A Comparative Linguistic Study:English and Lhomi Kinship Terms

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Department of English Education
This thesis entitled ‘A Comparative Linguistic Study: English andLhomi Kinship Terms: presents a clear picture of comparative studybetween English and Lhomi kinship terms. The present study has been donethrough both consanguineal and affinal types across five generations fromboth perspectives Viz. male and female ego. The kinship relations of theEnglish and Lhomi have also been studied by both appellative andaddressive uses. The Lhomi data were taken from the native speakers of Lhomi byapplying questionnaires and unstructured interviews. The researcher alsocollected data from the native speakers of English available in Kathmanduvalley. So altogether there are eighty respondents. To obtain required dataquestionnaires were distributed to the primary sources using purposivesampling procedure. He further consulted secondary sources such as books,magazines, journals, theses andinternet related to his topic. The major findings of the study are that the Lhomi language is rich interms of kinship terms in comparison to the English language. The Englishlanguage does not make distinction between the male and female ego exceptthe two terms husband and wife, on the other hand the Lhomi language isfound to interchange the kinship terms depending upon the male and femaleego, i.e. it makes the distinction between the male and female ego. Thereare so many neutral terms used in the English language which cover multi-relations of the Lhomi language, e.g. the English neutral kinship term isdenoted by eight different terms in the Lhomi language. The study consists of four chapters. Each chapter in turn, has beendivided into varioussub-chapters. The first chapter consists of general background, literature review,and objectives of the study, significance of the study and definitions ofvarious terminologies. Similarly, the second chapter contains sources of data research toolsandprocess of data gathering, sample population and sampling procedureand limitation of the study. Likewise, third chapter includes analysis and interpretation of thedata, which is main part of the thesis. Finally, the fourth chapter consists of findings, recommendations andpedagogical implications that are very crucial for Voyage of teaching. Inmain findings there is no one to one correspondence between the Englishand Lhomi kinship terms since there is semantic overlapping between oramong them. They differ from the perspectives of male/female ego andelder/younger than the ego.