A Study on the Proficiency of Tenth Graders in The Use of Articles

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Department of English Education
The main purpose of this study is to find out proficiency of the Tenth Grades ofSurkhet District in using articles by comparing different variables interms of areaand sex. This study differs from the others in its sample population, area of thestudy and statistical tool applied. For collecting data, the researcher took one hundred sample students studying inGrade Ten from Ten Secondary Schools (5 from rural area and 5 from urban area)of Surkhet district 10 students from each school in equal sex ratio were selectedrandomly and administered the test itemsmeant for them. The study found that the average score of the Tenth Graders of Surkhet district is32.63. In totality, 50% students were above average and 50% students were belowaverage. Thus, the students were constantly proficient in the use of articlesbecause their performance was equal in both above and below average. Thestudents of urban area were found to be more proficient than thoseof schools ofrural areasby 12%. Boys were found more proficient than thoseof girls by 8%.Both boys and girls of schools of urban area were better than that of schools ofrural area. The study has been presented four chapters: Introduction, Methodology, Analysisand Interpretation and Findings and Recommendations. The first chapter deals with general background, English in Nepal, importance ofgrammar, language teaching and language testing, proficiency test articles inEnglish review of related literature, objectives of the study, definition terms andsignificance of the study. The second chapter deals with sources of data, population of the study, tools forcollecting data process of data collection and limitation of the study.