Educational Status of Orphan Children (A Study of Higher Secondary School Ratanpur and Bijauri, Tripur-7, Dang)

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Department of Sociology
Children are the reflection of the socio economic reality and also who are thefuture architects and back bone of the country have inborn rights to survival,protection, education, health care, nutrition and a favorable atmosphere fordevelopment. The family is the first school of children and parents are theirfirst teacher.Children learn preliminary social requisites and acquire primaryeducational foundation from their parents in home. Parents should have greatresponsibilities and duties to rear up and educate the children. So, parent'srole is very significant in social and educational development of a child. Inevery society there are children who can't live with their natural parents for avariety of reasons. Apart from the death of one or both parents in war ornatural disasters or as a result of an accident disease orfamine there havebeen a growing number of cases in the last twenty years in which children havenot been able to remain with their families due to social circumstances. This study “Educational Status of Orphan Children” (A Study highersecondary school Ratanpur and Bijauri, Tripur-7, Dang)" is a quantitative aswell as qualitative study to analyze the educational status of the orphanchildren who were studying in these two government based school highersecondary Ratanpur and Bijauri. And other objective were to observeparticipation in the school extra curriculum activities and also to observedshelter situation of the orphan children in the society. For this study "higher secondary school Ratanpur and Bijauri" was selectedand respondents were selected purposively. The field survey, key informantinterview, observation, case study, were the techniques of data collection andquestionnaire (both structured and unstructured), key informant schedule,observation checklist were the tools for data collection. After the collection ofdata, the data were analysis both qualitatively and quantitatively. Analyses of data revealed that majority of the children in this school arefemale. Majority of children were staying with single parent mother only andother relatives. Field survey report shows that 46.67 percent respondents became orphaned in their age of 2-5 years, 40 percent in the age of 6-14 yearsand 13.33 percent became orphaned just after their birth. Here in the school there are 106 orphan children. All the children are gettingopportunity to read and write. The children are getting increase in every yearbut the resources are limited, there is a satisfaction management but still needmore resources to provide safe future for the more orphan children of Nepal. The most essential for all round development of a child is the "love, care andthe security of a family". If children grow out of this, his / her life becomes verydifficult and in most cases uncertain. In the case of Nepal the last ten years ofconflict separated many children with their parents and having orphan life. Touplift the condition of these orphan children the society, the government andthe child related organization should take initiatives.
Educational status, Orphan children