The Techniques and Cultural Gaps of Translation: A Case of Novel "Samanantar Aakash"

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Faculty of Education Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur Kathmandu, Nepal
The present study entitled The Techniques and Cultural Gap of Translation: A Case of Novel Samanantar Aakash is an attempt to find out the techniques adopted in translation of the cultural terms and observe the gaps in the process of translation. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the techniques of translation of cultural word and to find out the gaps. For this purpose the researcher collected one hundred fifty cultural words as sample of data for the study from Nepali version of the Novel Samanantar Aakash and the corresponding words from the English version of the same book. He selected only one hundred cultural terms out of one hundred fifty from selected list. He categorized them into five different categories. Ten different techniques such as literal, substitution, addition, deletion, claque, back translation, borrowing, definition, blending were found to have been employed in translating the cultural terms of the novel. Among them literal translation was most frequent which covers 50.3 % and blending was the least one which covers 7.69%. Similarly, six types of gap were found in this study. This thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter one introduced general background, review of related literature, objectives of the study and significance of the study. The second chapter deals with methodology adopted for the study. It encompasses sources of data, process of data collection and limitations of the study. Chapter three presents an analysis and interpretation of the data. In this chapter data have been analyzed and interpreted through statistical and descriptive approach. Chapter four presents the findings from the analysis of data. On the basis of the findings some recommendations and pedagogical implication have been given.