Teachers’ Beliefs towards their Roles in ELT Classrooms

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Department of English Education
The present study is entitled“Teachers’ Beliefs Towards their Roles in ELT Classrooms”. The aim of this study is to find out the role of teachers in ELT classroom. The study is mainly based on the primary sources of data, which was collected from the ten English language teachers teaching in secondary level of Tanahun district. The total samples were ten English teachers from ten schools. The required data was collected through unstructured interview. It was found that teachers were the important part of teaching learning activities and teachers’ role is very important in ELT classroom. The collected data showed that teachers are the important part of teaching learning activities and without teacher teaching process is incomplete. This study consists of four chapters. Chapter one introduces the study in terms of general background, review of related literature, objectives of the study and significance of the study. Chapter two deals with the methodology applied to conduct the study. It consists of sources of data, sampling procedures, tools for data collections, process of data collection and limitations of the study.Likewise, chapter three deals with analysis and interpretation of the raw data.The data was analyzed and interpreted by using simple tools. Finally,chapter four deals with the findings and recommendations made on the basis of the analysis and interpretation of the data. This chapter is followed by references and appendices.