Students’ Perceptions on Teachers’ Written feedback

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Faculty of Education
The present study entitled‘Students’ Perceptions on Teachers’ Written Feedback’was an attempt to analyze students’ perceptions towards their teachers’ writtenfeedback. This study was carried out using both the primary and secondary sourcesof data. For primary data, sixty studentswere randomly selected from two highersecondary schools of Doti district namely; Shree Janta Janardan and Shree BhawaniHigher Secondary Schools which were selected through purposive/ judgementalnon-random sampling procedure. I used both close and open-ended questionnaire toelicit the required data. It was found that most of the students would like to getpositive feedback from their teachers.About forty three per cent (43.33) of themperceived teachers’ written feedback is extremely important as the mainimprovement tool of learning writing as well as whole learning. This thesis consists four chapters along with references and appendicesat the end.The first chapterdeals with the introduction part which mainly includes generalbackground, language skills, factors affecting the language learning, feedback andperceptionalong withthe review of related literature, objectives and significance ofthe study. The second chapter deals with the methodology used in the study. Thesources of data, sample andsampling procedures, tools for data collection, datacollection procedures and limitations of the study are included in this chapter.Chapter three includes analysis and interpretation of the data. The final chapterencompasses with the findings and recommendations made after the analysis of thedata.