Effectiveness of Integrated Teaching of Language Skills

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Faculty of Education
This research attempts to find out the effectiveness of integrated teaching of language skills in language teaching. For this purpose, the researcher selected the students of Grade IX of Shree Niranjana Higher Secondary School, Marpak-2, Dhading. The researcher collected data from the sample population of sixty students of the same school. The pre-test and post-test were taken using the test items designed. Students’ responses were recorded and they were provided the score in the score sheet. The post-test was administered immediately after twenty four teaching periods using intergrated approach to the teaching of language skills to group ‘A’ (Experimental group) and as usual to group 'B' (Control Group). Their scores were tabulated and analyzed on the basis of average differences and their percentages. Pre-test and post-test results of the two groups were compared to find out the effectiveness of using integreated teaching aproach on four language skills. It is concluded from the study that using integreated teaching aproach on four language skills had positive effect in language teaching since group A had more average increasment in marks than that of group B. This thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter one consists of general background, review of related literature, objectives and significance of the study. Chapter two deals with methodology. It includes the sources of data, sampling procedure, tools of data collection, process of data collection and limitations of the study. Chapter three consists of the analysis and interpretation of the data. The data were tabulated and analyzed on the basis of the test items. Chapter four draws out the major findings and recommendations on the basis of the analysis made in chapter three. Eventually, references and appendixes are given.