A Study on Translation of Nepalinouns Into English

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Faculty of english
This Studyentitled 'AStudy onTranslation of Nepali Nouns intoEnglish' intended to find out the 'TranslationProcedures' and 'LinguisticGaps' used in translatingnouns fromNepali to English. In order tocollectthe data, the researcher visiteddifferent parts of 'Central Zoo' located atJawalakhel inKatmanduvalley and recorded information of translated nounskept in different places. He selected ahundredand fifty nouns forthe data. The main findinghs of this study are that only eight-translationprocedures viz. transliteration, paraphrasing, naturalization, addition,deletion, couplet, substitution and literal translation were used in translatingnouns from Nepali to English. Among the eight procedures, literaltranslation was found to be the most frequently used and naturalization wasthe least frequentlyused procedure in translatingnouns. This studyfurtherfound that only three 'linguistic gaps' viz. phonological gaps, graphologicalgapsand lexical gapswerethe problems in translating nounsfrom Nepali toEnglish. The first chapter deals with general background, procedures andlinguistic gaps (in translatingnouns from Nepali to English), review ofrelated literature, objectives of the study and significance of the study. The second chapter deals with the methodology of the study. Itencompasses the sources of data, sampling procedure, process of datacollection and limitationsof the study. The third chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of thecollected data. It mainlyconsists of two parts: translation procedures andlinguistic gaps. These both parts are studied and analyzed using thebar-diagram. The final chapter (i.e. chapter 4) deals with the findings andrecommendations. Findings are derived from the analysis and interpretationof the data and recommendations are made onthe basisofthefindings.