Roles of Teachers in The English Language Classrooms

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Department of English Education
This research study entitled “Roles of Teachers in the English Language Classrooms” aims at identifying the perceived attitudes of teachers towards their roles and finding out the frequently used roles in the classrooms. The researcher collected the data both from primary and secondary sources for the study. For the primary sources, the researcher selected three government-aided secondary schools located at Kirtipur in Kathamndu using purposive sampling. Three English teachers from each school teaching at grade nine and their respective classes were selected for the sample size. The researcher followed the qualitative approach for the indepth study to find out the perceived attitude of teachers towards their roles, hence, analysis and interpretation of data is done through the process of content analysis but quantification is also done to see the frequency of roles though it is not emphasized. This study concludes that teachers have positive attitudes and perception towards all the roles but they advocated their roles from the ground of communicative approach. Some roles as ‘organizer and resource’ were found most frequently occurring, some as ‘prompter, participant, model and tutor’ were found less frequently occurring and some as ‘social worker and friend’ were not found at all in the English classrooms. This research work encompasses four chapters. The first chapter deals with introduction which comprises background of the study, review of the related literature, objectives and significance of the study. The second chapter deals with the methodology section, the main governing part of the research. It includes the philosophical and methodological considerations which reveal the direction and build the ground for the study, source of data, tools for data collection, data collection procedure and limitations of the study. Similarly, the third chapter includes in the analysis and interpretation of the data to identify the perceived attitudes of teachers regarding the roles and their occurrences. The available data from different sources and tools were analyzed and interpreted under separate headings, then, the information was triangulated to deduce the findings. The fourth chapter presents the findings derived from the analysis and interpretation of the collected data. It also provides some recommendations based on the findings. The final section ends with references and appendices used in the research.