Basic mathematics concept practice in Tharu community

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Department of Mahematics Education
The topic is on the “Basic Mathematics Concept Practice in Tharu Community”. The main objective of this study were to identify the basic mathematical practiced by Tharu Community, to identify the counting system and measuring system of Tharu Community, to find out geometrical knowledge practice by Tharu people in their traditional equipment. I used base on qualitative design. I used purposive Sampling. I selected own village Saptakoshi municipality at Sapatary District. This research was ethnography based and sample size were Farmer, senior person, teacher, housewife, student etc. I used tools Observation, Interview, Photographs. This study consists of five chapters. Chapter one included background of this study, Introduction of the Tharu Community, Statement of Problem, Objective of Study, Justification of the Study, Delimitation of the Study, Definition of key Terms. Second Chapter included Literature and Conceptual Framework. Third Chapter included methodology adopted for the study, Research Design of the Study, Sample of the Study, Research Tools, Data Collection Procedures, Data Analysis and Interpretation Procedure and Ethical Consider. Fourth Chapter included Analysis and Interpretation of Data and Fifth Chapter included Finding, Conclusion and Implication.