Knowledge and Practice of Safe Motherhood in Dalit Community (A Case Study of The Babhangama Katti Vdc in Saptari District)

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Department of population studies
This study entitled "Knowledge and Practice of Safe Motherhood Services" (A CaseStudy of the Babhangama Katti VDC Saptari) is based on primary data collected fromsample survey. It covered 125 sample respondents from 125 sample household. Themain objective of this study is to examine the knowledge of safe motherhood, socio-economic condition and practices of safe motherhood among the married women aged15-49 years. Out of the 125 sample respondents more than 50 percent women are literate and themajority of respondents are engaged in agriculture and daily wages Knowledge andpractices of safe motherhood services in the study area is satisfactory. The literaterespondents have more knowledge about the safe motherhood then illiteraterespondents. They get this information from different means of communication. Suchas they get information from TV and Radio which is 60 percent, by health workers,neighbours, friends and others were 16:12:4 and 8 percent respectively. According to the study 94.1percent respondents have received ANC services. In thestudy 94.4 percent respondents received TT vaccine, only 19.6 percent were receivedvitamin A and 85.6 percent received Iron tablets during pregnancy.The survey showthat out of 125 respondents, 83.2 present reported that place of delivery at the homeand 16.8 percentdelivered at health center facility. 32.0 percent of respondents havedelivered assisted by relatives/friends and higher 36.0 percent respondents receivedno assistance. The study shows that out of 125 respondents 35.2 percent have received postnatal careand 64.8 percent have not received postnatal care after delivery. Among ANCreceivers 56.5 percent are literate and 8.9 percent illiterate respondents have receivedANC services. 25.5 percent helped for baby caring and 36.4 percent have get help formother caring. The survey data shows 11.2 percent respondent faced the problem ofheart problem faced the problem of excessive bleeding among 6.4 percent faced theproblem after delivery.