Teachers’ Perceptions on Practice of Group work Technique in Teaching Vocabulary

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Department of English Education
The present study entitled “Teachers’ Perceptions on Practice of Group work Technique in Teaching Vocabulary” aimed to explore the teachers’ perceptions on the use of group work technique in teaching vocabulary. To achieve the objectives, both primary and secondary sources of data were used. In order to collect the data, thirty-six teachers teaching at lower secondary level of Kathmandu district were selected through purposive non- random sampling procedure, as the sample in this study. The selected teachers were provided questionnaire. So, the participants were requested to respond on those questions. The raw data obtained from them were analyzed and interpreted descriptively. After the analysis and interpretation of data, it was found that teachers had very positive views and good knowledge about the practice of group work. In addition, it was also found that vocabulary can be taught using group work for lower secondary level. On the basis of this finding it can be said that the group work technique is an important technique which should be used to teach English at lower secondary level as per the demand of classroom situation, topic, interest and understanding level of the students. This thesis has been divided into five chapters. The first chapter consists of the background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitation of the study and operational definitions of key terms. Similarly, chapter two deals with the review of the related theoretical literature, review of the related empirical literature, implication of the review for the study, conceptual framework. Likewise, chapter three presents the methodology adopted for the study under which design and method of the study, population and sampling strategy, for the study, study area / field, information collection tools, information collection procedure, data analysis and interpretation procedure. Correspondingly, in chapter four analysis and interpretation of the data and summary of the findings are included .Finally; the fifth chapter presents the major conclusion of the study with recommendations at policy,practice and further research related.This chapter is followed by references and appendices used for the study.