Students' Perceptions Towards Assignments and Their Practices in Semester System

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Department of English Education
The present study entitled Students' Perception Towards Assignment and their Practice in Semester System aimed to find out students' perception and their practices towards assignment in semester system and to explore the challenges faced by the semester students. I selected forty students of M.Ed second semester students studying at University campus, Kirtipur, Kathmandu. A set of questionnaire was used as research tool for collecting the required data. The respondents were selected by using random sampling strategy. It was found that almost all the second semester students had positive attitude towards the assignment and its practice. They argued that assignment enhances students' skill and built up confidence and developed critical knowledge and skill. Similarly,most of the students responded that they involve in effective reading and note taking while doing assignment. This study comprises of five chapters. Chapter one deals with introduction,background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study,research question, significance of the study, delimitation of the study and operational definition of the key terms. Likewise, chapter two concerns with review of the literature, review of empirical literature, implication of the review of the study and conceptual framework adopted for the study. Similarly, chapter three includes the methodology used in this study: design of the study, population,sample and sampling strategies, research tools, source of data, data collection procedures, data analysis procedures and ethical consideration. Whereas,chapter four consists of analysis and interpretation of data and chapter five includes findings, conclusion and recommendations followed by references and appendices