The Role of paschimanchal Grameen Bikas Bank in Poverty Alleviation A Case Study of Amuwa Area Office, Rupandehi

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Department of Geography
Grameen Banks are basically rural banks that offer a comprehensive package consisting of loan facility, literacy programmes, general health and Sanitation to land less and poorest of the poor people in the rural areas in order to uplift their socio-economic condition and general living standard. The main objective of this study is to find out the role of Area Office Amuwa of PGBB in poverty alleviation. This study is divided in to seven chapters. The first chapter introduces the subject matters. Review of the literature included in second chapter.Methodology used is carrying out this study has been incorporated in the third chapter. The forth chapter consists of brief introduction of Grameen bank and description of Paschimanchal Grameen Bikas Bank. Area of the study and the description of the respondents have been incorporated in the fifth chapter. The sixth chapter focuses on the analysis and interpretation of the collected data.Summary, findings, recommendation and conclusions and given in the seven chapter. The overall research found out that Paschimanchal Grameen Bikas Bank has played a remarkable role in alleviating poverty in the study area. The bank's social and credit programmes contributed to increase in income, employment,saving, consumption, health and sanitation which constitute the major indicators of change in poverty situation.