Teachers’ Perception on Existing Situation of Teaching Writing

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Facuty of Education English
The present research study entitled Teachers’ Perception on Existing Situation of Teaching Writing aimed to explore existing situation of teaching writing and problems teachers face in teaching at lower secondary level and to find out the causes of those difficulties. I have used the survey research design to carry out the research work. To meet the objectives of my study, I purposively selected thirty English teachers from fifteen schools in Makawanpur district by using non-random judgmental sampling procedure. As a tool for data collection, I used questionnaire to elicit the required information. Close-ended questions were included in the questionnaire. From the study it was found that majority of the teachers strongly agreed that knowing grammar of the language helps to develop writing skill. Teacher’s role and participation of students were more effective during teaching writing. Most of the teachers strongly agreed that different subject matter like accuracy, explicitness, grammar, punctuation marks and so on help the English language teachers in teaching writing. Similarly, majority of the teachers strongly agreed that teaching learning process and classroom activities can solve the existing problems of teaching writing. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definitions of the key terms. The second chapter consists of review of both theoretical and empirical literature with conceptual framework. The third chapter deals with methodology containing design and method of the study, population, sample and sampling strategy, study area or field, data collection procedures and data analysis and interpretation procedures. The fourth chapter includes analysis of data and interpretation of the results and summary of findings. The fifth chapter is about summary, conclusions and recommendations of the study