Teachers' Perceptions on Critical pedagogy for Promoting Gender Equality in English Language Learning

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Faculty of Education
This research study entitledTeachers'Perceptions onCritical PedagogyforPromoting Gender Equalitywas carried out to identify theteachers'perceptions on how the critical pedagogy promotes the gender equality and toanalyze the teachers' gender equality friendly teaching learning activities insidethe classroom. This study followed the quantitiveresearchmethod. I usedsimple non-randomsampling procedure andquestionnairewas a tool forcollecting data. Sample of populations were fortyEnglish teachers who havebeen teaching at basic and secondary level inKathmandudistrict.Researcheranalyzedand interpreted databyusing statistical tools anddescriptively. Themajorfindingsof the research wasthat critical pedagogy can promote thegenderequality by providing genderfriendly environment inside their teachingprocess,critical pedagogy supports that gender related issues as well as it helpsto maintain the gender equality in the learning process. If the teachers creategender friendly environment in the class, it helps to get quality achievement tothe students in their learning of language This thesis consists of the fivechapters.Each chapter is an important of thisstudy.The first chapter isintroducingpart. It includesbackground of the study,statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions,significance of the study, delimitations of the study, and operational definitionsof key terms.Similarly, the second chapter consists of review all the relatedtheoreticaland empirical literatures, their implications on the study andconceptualframeworkof the whole study. Likewise, the third chapter consistsof the methodological procedures, population, sample of population samplingprocedures; research tool, data collection procedure, data analysis andinterpretation procedure and ethical considerations. Then, the fourth chapterdeals with the analysis and interpretations of data. Finally, fifth chapter dealswith findings, conclusions of the study andrecommendationsof the study.