Study of Blackfly (Diptera: Simuliidae) Faunain the Shivapuri National Park Stream, Kathmandu Valley (Nepal)

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Department of Zoology
This dissertation work is based on the study of larval and pupal forms of blackfliesin the stream of Shivapuri National Park and carried out from October, 2007 toJune, 2008. A total of 1860 larvaegrouped to five species i.e.Simulium (Simulium)sp.,S. (Nevermannia) feuerbornigr., S. (N.) vernumgr., S. (Gomphostilbia)sp. andS. (Montisimulium) sp., 301 pupae categorized to 10 species i.e. S. (G.) sp.1,ceylonicumgr., S. (G.) gombakense, S. (N.) sp.1, feureborni gr., S. (N.) sp.2,feurebornigr., S. (N.)sp.3, vernumgr., S. (S.)sp.1, vareigatumgr., S. (S.)sp.2,multistriatum gr., S. (S.)sp.3, tuberosumgr., S. (M.)sp.1,S. (M.)sp.2 and 8 adultsof S. (S.) indicumunder four subgeneraSimulium,Nevermannia,GomphostilbiaandMontisimuliumwere collected from three different sites at the altitude of1700m, 1600m, and 1500m respectively. Among these 11 species, S. (G.)gombakense, S. (N.)sp.1 feurebornigr., S. (N.)sp.2 feurebornigr., S.(N.)sp.3vernum gr., S. (S.)sp.3 tuberosumgr., S. (M.) sp.1 and S. (M.) sp.2 are newrecords to Nepal. Present study revealed that, blackflies fauna were found mostdiverse in Site I (H' = 1.16). Similarly, Site II (H'= 0.82) and Site III (H'= 0.77) onthe basis of larvae, whereas diversity of blackflies were found most diverse in SiteIII (H'= 1.31), Site II (H'= 1.03), Site I (H'= 0.32) on the basis of pupae. Hencealtitudinal variation was remarkable for blackflies fauna (based on pupae andlarvae observed). March, April and May appeared to be the most suitable monthsfor the study on blackflies. Pupae and larvae of Site I and Site III showedsignificant relation with temperature and dissolved oxygen while pupae and larvaeof Site II were not affected by temperature and dissolved oxygen.