Sexual And Reproductive Health Knowledge And Attitude Among Adolescent Students

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Faculty Of Health Education
The study entitled "Study on Sexual and Reproductive Health Knowledge and Attitude among Adolescent students in Itahari Municipality, Tarahara, Sunsari District" is conducted among 140 adolescent students. The main objectives of the study were to find out and compare the knowledge and attitude of adolescent students on sexual and reproductive health. After analyzing the data it shows that all of the respondents were familiar about some degree of sexual and reproductive health. The common source of getting knowledge on that is school/teachers, parents, magazines, friends and course books. Maximum respondents were familiar about SRH. Most of them said they have experienced about physical change of weight and height. They know about menstruation and it is the sign of puberty. Most of the respondents know about the reproductive organs and reproductive system; likewise they have heard about masturbation. They have negative attitude towards pre-marital sexual activities because they think such activities have risk of various sexual disease like HIV/AIDS etc. This study presents the current level of knowledge and attitude adolescent students on sexual and reproductive health. The study is plotted into five chapters. The first chapter of this thesis comprises general background, statement of the problem, Significance of the study, objective of the study, delimitation of the study and definition of the operational terms. Second chapter deals with review of the related literature, empirical literature and conceptual framework. Chapter three methodology is devoted to design of the study, sources of data, population and sample, size, sampling procedure, data collection tools, data collection procedure and data analysis and interpretation. Chapter four is related to results and discussion. Chapter five presents the summary, conclusion and implication .In the final section references and appendixes are included.
Reproductive Health, Sexual Health Education