Representation of the 1950s Colombian Society: A New Historicist Reading of Marquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Bajracharya, Narottam
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Department of English
he novelChronicle of a Death Foretoldis a genuine portrait of the1950s Colombian society.1950s Colombian society is an insensible corrupt society. People have tradition mentality as all their activities are cultural oriented. They don't think rationally so they are insensible. Authority is also in the hands of those indigenous people. There isinequality of law in the society. Therefore, there is lack of security for all in the society. Because of inequality violence has emerged in Colombia.Chronicle of a Death Foretold presents the society where there is lack chaos and lack of security. It presents the place with lack of public order and civil authority.It demonstrates the innocent people'ssufferingin the society and power holder's misuse oftheir power. The purpose of this study is to present the negative aspect of Colombian society and whysociety has become corrupted. With the contextual reading of text using the New- Historicism, it is proved that context of time has influence upon the Colombian society.Strict Colombian family rules, culture of Colombia, influence of capitalism, church's involvement in state matters, power location in aboriginals etc. are the reasons behind Colombian society being corrupted. Until and unless these factors prevalent in the society, society cannot become free from corruption. For the better society these factors must be reformed.
Colombian society., Historicism, Socio-cultural status, English novel