International Labour Migration (A Case Study of sisahaniya vdc in Dang District)

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Department of population studies
This study deals with the“International Labour Migration (ACase Study ofSisahaniya VDC in Dang District)”)in Sishaniya VDC of Dang district. The primarydata was collected from the studyareaof Sishaniya VDC.The general objective ofthe study is to examine the scenario of international labour migration pertaining toSisahaniya VDC of Dang district. The analysis and interpretation of data were carriedout by using frequency tables, cross tabulation, with selected dependent andindependent variables. International labour migration is seen in direction and destination with increasingvolume of Sisahaniya VDC. India has the highest volume and going to increasingtowards Malaysia. For the most part work and wage depends upon the lack ofemigrant’s himself. But emigration’s skill and reliability of manpower have alsoplayed the crucial role for the work and wage. Amount frequency and regularity ofremittances depend upon the types of works, company and destination country.International money express, banks, and western union money transfer are mostlyused channels for sending money. Level of income for emigrant households has increased but expenditure also increasedrespectively. Standard of living and quality of food are raised of their family.Unemployment lack of agricultural land and poverty are important factors foremigration associated with origin. Likewise, high wage rate, easy availability ofunskilled works and no need of higher education other important factors associateddestination. Some positive and negative impacts also seem in foreign employment.