Participation of Magar Students in English Language Classroom Interaction

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Department of English Education
The present study is on the Participation of Magar Students in English Language Classroom Interaction. The main objective of the study was to find out the participation rate of Magar students' in English language classroom interaction. I used mixed method research design. The required data were collected by using observation and questionnaires. The total sample size was forty Magar students, Twenty Magar students’ parents and two English teachers of Shree Janata secondary school, Udayapur. I adopted non-random purposive sampling procedure for selecting the sample. The data were quantitative and qualitative, obtained from observation and questionnaires. The major findings of this study were the participation rate of Magar students in English language classroom interaction was satisfactory in class 7 i.e. (50%), less interactive in class 8 (33.33%), more interactive in class 9 (62.5%) and satisfactory in class 10 (50%). The participation rate of Magar students in interaction activities in English language classroom was directly and indirectly affected by social, economic and educational background of their parents and most of Magar students face problems in English language classroom i.e. grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing. This study consists of five chapters. Chapter one includes background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitation of the study and operational definitions of the key terms. And chapter two deals with the review of relevant literature and the conceptual framework of the research. Chapter three deals with the methodology adopted for the study in terms of sources of data, population of the study, sampling procedure, tools and process of data collection and ethical consideration. Chapter four contains the analysis and interpretation of the data and results. Finally, chapter five deals with the conclusion and recommendations of the study.