Quest for autonomy in mortenson and Relin’s Three Cups of Tea

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Department of English
This thesis deals with the subalterns’ suffering and resistance to patriarchal ideology in Greg Mortenson’s and David Oliver Relin’s Three Cups of Tea. In the novel, many characters are entirely submissive and at the same time, there are some other characters who are hegemonized initially but later on they get ready to struggle and resist against oppressors. Rokhia, Tara Bishop, Wazir men and women as well as other peasant characters are repressed by patriarchy and Pakistani government. The major characters such as Greg Mortenson, Tahira, Jahan and other subaltern people are initially suppressed and prejudiced for their education by patriarchy and rigid Muslim leaders. However, they come to face and struggle against the domination and exploitation. Finally, they come to secure their position and right as autonomous members in their society. They have not only liberated themselves but are also encouraging other subaltern characters to be aware of their dignified and sustainable life.