Effectiveness of Dramatization Technique in Teaching Language Functions

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Department of English Education
The present study entitled "The Effectiveness ofDramatizationTechnique inTeaching Language Functions" endeavors to find out the efficacy of dramatizationtechnique in teaching language functions at secondary level and aims at suggestingsome pedagogical implications. To this end, I purposively selected a private school,Salbas Sunrise Higher Secondary School from Nawalparasi district. In order to collectdata,both,theprimary andthesecondary sources,were used. Thirty-three students ofGrade IX, who were selected using simple random sampling procedure, wereinvolved in this study. The students were divided into two groups,anexperimentalgroup anda controlled group. The main tools for data collection were tests items. Apre-test was administered before students were divided into two groups. Both thegroups were taught for 24 days(the experimental group was taught usingdramatization technique and the controlled group was taught as usual classroomtechniques). Afterthetreatment, the post-test was administered,by using the samesets of test itemsthat were administered in the pre-test. After analysis andinterpretation of the data the experimental group which was taught through dramatechnique excelled the controlled group by 21.64% holistically. Thus, I can say thatthe dramatization technique was more effective, interactive and interesting than usualclassroom techniques like discussion and lecture. The thesis has been divided into four chapters. The first chapter consists of thebackground of the study, review of the related literature and objectives of the study.Chapter two deals with the methodology adopted for the study under which thesources of data, sampling procedures, tools for data collection, process of datacollection and limitation of the study are presented. Likewise, chapter threepresentsthe analysis and interpretation of the data. In this section, both the statistical as well asdescriptive approaches have been used. Finally, the present research summarizes thewhole study by presenting findings and suggesting some recommendations.