Cultural Variation in Tharu Culture in Jhapa

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Department of English
Cultural, linguistic and geographical diversity are the fact of Nepal to get decorated in the case of identity and Jhapa district is also not an exception to save the identity of intra and inter ethnic cultural variation. Culture refers to the set of rules and norms of life to be adopted in one ethnic peoplewho come either from ancestors or from the pass of time with the process of hybridization, transculturation, acculturation and modernization. Culture is like the living thing which remains on us being our identity coming from tradition and modernity and always we do our best to preserve it. In this context, one ethnic clan of Tharus has been living being dispersed in different parts of Jhapa. Though, they have many more commonality and single originational history, they have saved their inter and intra communal identity in accordance with their respective dwelling place which forces them to stand or exist with the feature of cultural variation within them due to the various causes like the process of migration, adoption, hybridization, transculturation, modernization and acculturation.