Female Solidarity and Resistance in Vijay Tendulkar's Play Sakharam Binder

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Department of English
Tendulkar's Sakharam Binder represents the exploitation and the oppression of down-trodden and outcaste peasant women. It dramatizes the pathetic story of female characters Laxmi, Champa and others who are exploited by Sakharam Binder, who pretends to give shelter. They are all peasant workers. Sakharam, on the one hand, pretends as if he is giving a very benevolent support to the women, but behind the bush he exploits sexually and expresses deep-rooted oppressive power of the patriarchy and elitism over the helpless women who come from diverse socio-economic social strata. Eventually, Laxmi and Champa grow more aware and challenge Sakharam and leave his so-called shelter.