Role of Social Capital in Disaster Response Earthquake 2015: Case Study of Bhaktapur

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Department of Sociology
The purpose of this paper is to describe the role of social capital in response to disaster. Similarly to identify the types of social capital and explain the operation of social capital in response to massive Earthquake 2015. In addition also examines the importance of having social capital in lives of 15 respondents from Bhaktapur. This study completely based on experience of survivors. It attempts to explore how individual and families utilized their social capital in the aftermath of the earthquake and role of social capital in response to disaster. Methodology This is a qualitative study with semi structure interview and discussion with earthquake survivors on their own locality. Flexible methods of date collection was adopted through interaction with respondents and following up on. Results Bonding social capital is most extensively operated in lives of 15 respondents. Thus bonding social capital is crucial in response to disaster. Bonding social capital play important role in sharing of physical, financial and emotional support in response to disaster. Social capital are interlinked to each other- it means one form of capital drag other forms of capital. Social capital are interconvertible. Lack of understanding on government scheme and Government scheme limited only in one level of scheme. Conclusion As disaster is socially constructed phenomena similarly response to disaster is also socially constructed. Individual prior social capital determines his/her response to disaster. There is linkage between possession of social capital and its response to disaster. Social capital has both positive and negative phenomena. It has shown in studies that out of 15 respondent four respondent are not much involved in utilization of social capital because of their prior social relation and these four respondents are all old age people who are not able to work and not able to earn money.  