Socio-Economic Condition of Tamang Community (A Case Study of Kamala Mai Municipality Ward No. 6 Sindhuli District)

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Department of Rural Development
This is a study entitled,“Socio-Economic Condition of Tamang Community(A Case Study of Kamala Mai Municipality Ward No. 6 Sindhuli District. The general objective of this study is to analyze socio-economic conditions of the Tamang community of the study area and the specific objectives are to find out a socioeconomic status, cultural status Tamang and to suggest measures for the improvement in their status This study has been based on descriptive as well as exploratory research designwhich is considered as appropriate and the best for the analysis of this type of research study. It has been adopted exploratory because it makes attempt to explore the process of the study site.This study is limited only with 50 households,which is the small part of the whole Tamang community of Nepal. It has been based on both primary and secondary data. Primary data have been collected through household survey questions (interview), observation, group discussion and key informant etc. Similarly secondary data have been collected through published and unpublished materials such as research articles, related books, CBS report, previous studies and related profiles. The information related to socio economic status of Tamangs which was collected from group discussion. The information was help to fulfill the objective of the study. It will focus on Socio-economic condition of Tamangs’s, main festivals,educational condition and major problems of Tamangs. The old village people,school teachers, village head man have knowledge about the Tamangs of the study area they were selected as key informants and information has been collected through interview. Collected data has been presented and analyze by using simple statistical and mathematical tools Statistical tools such as percentage, diagram and table etc. It is found that only 6 household produced adequate quantity of food grains for one year and 20% have food production sufficient for 3 month only. It is found that paddy, maize and wheat were the major crops production. The estimated expenditure on food grain is higher than the food grain come from their own land.It is found that almost all families of the community have domestic animal for the purpose of manure,milk, meat, an egg of them. It is found that out of total estimated income of respondent the amount come from agriculture and animal husbandry are high beside other occupation but it is sufficient for family demand,so they practice other occupation. The economic condition of study area is low. The people live in very miserable condition. To uplift their socio-economic condition government should lunch effective birth control program in the study area and provide encourage to illiterate people for birth control. The majority of the female are illiterate in the study area. Therefore formal and non-formal adult literacy class should be organized through NGOs and government sector. It would make the women more aware of their responsibility to the family. The people should be encouraged to get treatment on health institution instead of traditional healer. For this purpose a documentary and Pam plating show should be organized by local health institution. Agriculture inputs should be made easily available in time and market should be opened for vegetable production. Loans should be provided at cheaper rate of interest through bank of finance.