Pronominals in the English and Dura Languages:A Comparative Linguistic Study

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Department of English Education
This research is entitled“Pronominals in English and DuraLanguages: AComparativeLinguistic Study”. The main purposeof the study were to find out Dura Pronominals in relation toEnglish and then, to find out similarities and differences betweenEnglish and Dura Pronominals. The study was also focused onenlisting pedagogical implications of the findings of the study. Toaccomplish this task, the researcher elicited data from bothprimary and secondary sources. The sample populationcomprisedof Dura native speakers from Chandrewore and Duradada VDCsin Lamjung district and Pokhara Metropolitan City in Kaskidistrict. Sixty Dura native speakers were selected throughstratified random sampling in the selectedplaces. Two types ofresearchtools i.e. questionnaire and interview schedulewereused. Major findings of the studyshow that theDura Languagehas more number of pronominals than English due tothepresenceof suffixation, alternatives and pluralization in some relative andinterrogative pronominals; the suffix ‘/-domo/’ is plural marker inDura pronominals; there is suffixation system in Durapronominals but such type of system is not found in English;noseparate pronominals for male and femalearefound;in theDura,there is only onethird person singular personal pronominal but intheEnglish language, there are separate third person singularpersonal pronominals for both genders;intheDura language, baseforms determine whether reflexive pronominals is singular orpluralwhereasintheEnglish language, suffixes determine for this matter. The suffix ‘/-ni/’ is inserted with subjective personalpronominals to form possessive pronominals in Dura but inEnglish there is different system for that. This research work consists of four chapters. Chapter one isintroduction. It deals with preliminary information of languagesofNepal, introduction of pronominals and contrastive analysis,review of related literature, objectives of study and significance ofstudy and others. Chapter two includes the methodology adopted for thestudy with tools and process of data collection, samplingprocedure and limitations of study. Chapter three is very important which is related with thepresentation, analysis and interpretation of obtained data. Thedata are presented, analyzed and compared descriptively with thehelp of tables and illustrations. The findings show thesimilaritiesand differences between Dura and English pronominals. Chapterfour presents the summary of findings, recommendations andpedagogical implicationsof the study.