Teachers' Use of Internet Based Resources for Their Professional Development

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Department of English Education
This research entitledTeachers' Use of Internet Based resources for theirProfessional Developmentaimed to find out the teachers practice on usingIBR and to explore the role of internet based resources for teachers'professional development. To attain the objectives of this research, I chose amix-method research design. As a Sample, I selected 40 bachelor level Englishteachers using cluster sampling procedure. Both the primary and secondarysources of data were utilized inthisresearch. Questionnaire and Interviewwere used as the main research tools to collect the data required for thestudy. The data collected from the participants were analyzed and interpretedby using both descriptive as well as statistical tools. The Findings of the studyshowed that all the bachelor level English teachers made use a wide range ofinternet based resourcesincluding:E-journals, Articles,Google, E-books,YouTube videos, Email and Blogs to enhance their professional skills. Theyused internet based resources for sharing teaching idea, methodologiestechniques and problems, writing journals, articles and reviews, researching,presenting, updating, making teaching materials, developing positive attitude,promoting knowledge, skills and attitudeand so on. As the role of internetbased resourcesthey viewed thatIBR made them creative,motivated,confident, active, informed, updatedand knowledgeable which are very muchnecessary to develop their professional quality. The thesis hasbeen incorporated into five chapters. The first chapter dealswith the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives,research questions, significance of the study, delimitation of the study andoperational definitions of key terms of thestudy. The second chapter incorporates review of related theoretical, empirical literature, implication ofthe review for the study and conceptual framework. In the same way, thirdchapter deals with the methodology employed to conduct the study. It givesinformation about the design of the study, population and sample, samplingstrategies, study area, data collection tools, data collection procedure anddata analysis and interpretation procedure. Similarly, the fourth chapter dealswith the analysis of data and interpretation of the results and summary of thefindings. Accordingly, the fifth chapter includes conclusions andrecommendations. Some recommendations for policy related, practice relatedand further research related are presented in this section.This chapter isfollowed by references and appendices.