Transformation of Direct Speech

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Department of English Education
This research entitled “Transformation of Direct Speech” has been conducted aiming to find out the proficiency level of students of both private and public schools of Rupandehi district in terms of transformation of direct speech by using judgmental disproportionate stratified random sampling method .In course of study, the researcher has analyzed and interpreted 80 sets of test items administered to the students of four schools of Rupandehi district and has come up with these findings: private school students were found more proficient than those of public schools; the proficiency of students against of the secondary norms set by the GON almost all the students of private schools met the norm and only 20 percent boys and 25 percent girls of public schools got failed; both boys and girls of private schools were found more proficient than those of public schools. The thesis has been categorized into four chapters: the first chapter deals with introduction which encompasses the general background, types of grammar, approaches to teaching grammar, importance of English, direct and indirect speech, test, types of tests, proficiency test, achievement, diagnostic test, placement test and aptitude test, the importance of a test, review of related literature, and objectives of research and significance of study. The second chapter deals with methodology, which comprises sources of data, sample population of study, sampling procedure, and tools for data collection, process of data collection and limitations of the study. The third chapter accounts for analysis and interpretation of collected data, which is believed to be the core part of the study. And the final chapter encompasses the findings and recommendations of the study with some pedagogical implications.