Attitude of Student Teachers towards Teaching Practice Course

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Department Of Mathematics Education Central Department of Education University Campus Tribhuvan University Kirtipur, Kathmandu
This is a survey research related to find out the attitude of student-teachers towards teaching practice course. The objective of this study were to find out the attitude of student- teachers towards teaching practice course and to compare the attitude of male and female student-teachers towards teaching practice course. Only large campuses, namely Mahendra Ratna Campus Tahachal and the Sanothimi Campus Bhaktapur, were the large number of students were participating in this course. The student-teachers were chosen by stratified random sampling techniques. 200 Student-teachers were sample of the study out of them 120 were male student teachers and 80 were female student-teachers. There were 28 statements of opinionaire. Each statement, five point Likert scale were used. The statistical device - test with 0.05 level of significance was applied to find out the opinions of studentteachers towards teaching practice course and t-test with 0.05 level of significance was applied to find the significance difference between male student-teachers and female student teachers. The major findings and conclusion of the study are summarized as follows, there was positive attitude towards teaching practice course and no significance difference between attitude of male student-teachers and female student-teachers towards teaching practice course.