A Preliminary Coprological Study on Helminth Parasites in Cattle (Bossp.) of‘Anarmani Vdc 02’jhapa

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Department of Zoology
Altogether 200 dung samples of cattle (Bos sp.) were collected within two seasons viz,summer and winter from "Anarmani VDC 2" of Jhapa district. Thesamples were collectedequally from two seasons and both the sexes. Present study revealed prevalence of 55.55%nematodes, 33.33% trematodes and 11.11% cestodes among 151 (75.5%) positive samples.49 numbers (24.4%) of samples remains negative. Prevalence differs between ages,seasons and sexes to some extent. In general maximum infection was found by nematodegenera viz,Trichostrongylus sp., Strongyloides sp., Toxocara sp. trematode genera viz,Fasciolasp.,Dicrocoeliumsp,Schistosomasp. etc and cestode genera viz.Dipylidiumsp.and Monieziasp.Trematode generaHistophilussp. was reported for the first time inNepal among cattle, buffaloes, goats and sheep. Among the total positive samples 14%were found to have single infection and rest 86% have multiple infection by 2–5 differentgenera. The prevalence in general percentage follows as :Nematodes:Trichostrongylussp. (23.63%),Chabertia sp. (2.54%), Strongyloides sp. (7.77%),Toxocara sp. (4.93%),Ostertagiasp. (4.11%),Trichonemasp. (6.43%),Bunostomumsp. (0.82%),Dictyocaulussp (1.34%), Hookworm (0.89%),Haemonchussp. (3.66%),Ascarissp. (0.89%),Trichurissp. (1.78%), Cooperia sp. (0.074%), Capillaria sp. (0.29%), Oesophagostomum sp.(0.37%),Trematodes:Dicrocoeliumsp.(5.38%),Fasciolasp.(6.13%),Paramphistomumsp. (4.11%), Gastrothylax sp. (1.27%), Skrijabinema sp. (2.46%), Schistosoma sp.(5.38%),Histophilus sp. (2.24%),Fischoederius sp. (0.074%) andOrnithobilharzia sp.(1.12%). Cestodes:Moniezia sp. (3.88%), Taenia sp.(0.14%) and Dipylidium sp.(8.15%). Significant difference was found in prevalence among three classes of intestinalhelminths. KEY WORDS:Nematodes, Cestodes, Cattle, Trematodes, Prevalence & Jhapa.