Low Age at Marriage in Mandal Khatwe Caste (A Case Study of Basahiya VDC. Dhanusha)

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Department of Population Studies
The study on low age at marriage totally depends on primary data collected from field surrey in 2007. The main objectives are to examine age at marriage, to explore factor affecting low age at marriage and to examine relationship between low age at marriage and other socio economic and correlates in the community. The main objectives of this study are to show the strength of relationship with its correlation and estimate the effect of socio economic variable on age at marriage. The study therefore attempted to explore the basic demographic and socio economic characteristics of sample population to evaluative differential in age at marriage with respect to low age at marriage, education, occupation and occupation of parents among the selecting 246 study Population from the 39 households. Respondent are married male and female. Each of the household one male and one female interviewed. This study the main theme found that education is positively correlated with age at marriage and traditional occupation (labour,agriculture labour, cattle–herds etc.) is inversely related with age at marriage. Traditional custom of arranged marriage and extended family system never encouraged delayed age at marriage for male and female are all of the people of Khatwe community. This study also found that the educational and occupational status of the parents plays role for determining age at marriage in certain extent in Khatwe community.