A Study on The Socio-Economic Impactof Biogas Plant on Users (A Case Study of Saudiyar Vdc, Dang District,Nepal)

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Department of Rural Development
This thesis entitled "Socio-Economic Impact of Biogas Plant onuser:ACase Study of Saundiyr VDC, Dang, Nepal". The general objective of thisstudy is to find out the socio-economic impact of biogas plant installationin Saundiyar VDC, Dang. The specific objectives of the study are: tostudy the biogas plant as an alternative of forest resources, to assess thetime and money saving due to the adaptation of biogas plant, to study thebenefits of slurry in agricultural production and to give suggestions andrecommendations to promote biogas plant installation. This study has been chosen as a special topic to address the problem ofenergy in the study area and to provide the scope for the dissemination ofthe biogas technology. This study is basically based on both primary andsecondary sources of data. Saundiyar V.D.C of Dang districthas been taken as the study area. Outof the total of 154 biogas households in ward no1 and ward no2, 30households have been taken as the sample households using simplerandom sampling. Before selecting a topic, a brief review of the literature related to theimpact study of biogas on users has been studied. Primary as well assecondary data have been used in this study V Household Survey through interview, field observation has been taken asa method of data collection and collected data has been analyzedusingsimple statistical tool suchas, average, percentage table. This study found that majority of the households (50%) out of totalinterviewed reported that they had adopted agriculture as a mainoccupation. About 60% out of total interviewed reported that they werefrom Brahmin caste. About 90.7% plant owners out of total interviewedwere literate whereasonly 9.7 % were illiterate.And most of bio-gasplant owner (30) % had 21 to 30 kattha land. Out of total sampled biogas plant owners, majority of the households(40%) had reported that they used their saved time in farm activities andincome generation activities. About 76.7% households reported that themain reason behind the installation of biogas plant was easy andsmokeless cooking. Total average time saving was 4.9 hrs per day perhousehold. Average saving amount of money was Rs.650per month perhousehold. Furthermore, Most of bio-gas plant owner (93.4%) had latrine facility.Among them 76.7 % plant owners had attached latrine with the biogasplant. This study also revealed that improvement was found in health andsanitation situation Majority of the respondents (83.4%) reported that theagricultural production had been increased.