Techniques of Teaching Vocabularyadoptedbylower Secondary Level English Teachers

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Faculty of Education
The present thesis entitled‘Techniques of Teaching VocabularyAdoptedby Lower Secondary Level English Teachers’aimed to find out the techniquesof vocabulary taught bylowersecondary level English teachers. Toachieve the objectives, achecklistand a questionnaire were prepared as thetools for data collection. Tenlowersecondary level English teachers wereselected from ten schools ofSindhupalchokdistrict. Four classes of eachteacher, forty classes in total were observed and a questionnairewas distributedto each teacher. The data collected from the class observation and teachers’views were analyzed and interpreted statistically. The findings showed that theteachers taught the various aspects and sub-aspects of vocabularyusing varioustechniques such as use of context,demonstration, mime, sense relation, wordanalysis, rule giving, modeling and drill, dictation and spelling competition andso on. This thesis consists of four chapters: introduction, methodology, analysis andinterpretation, and findings and recommendations. Chapter one presents thegeneral background, aspects, techniques, skills, problems, objectives andprinciples of vocabulary teaching, review of related literature, objectivesandsignificance of the study. Chapter two deals with the methodology applied toconduct the study. It consists of source of data, population of the study,sampling procedure, tools and process of data collection anddelimitations ofstudy. Chapter three contains the analysis and interpretation of data collectedfrom informants. The data were analyzed and interpreted using simplestatistical tools. The last chapter includes findings and recommendations drawnon the basis of analysis and interpretation of data which is followed byreferencesand appendices.