An Ethnographic Study of Tamangs in Rural Nepal A case study of Kerabari HillIn Sindhuli District

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Department of Anthropology
This is an ethnographic study of Tamang at Kerabari hill in Sindhuli district. It is homogenous community of Tamang composed of Moktan, Yonjan and Lo. Their main occupations are agriculture, animal husbandry and wage labor. This research was carried out after six months of ethnographic study. Tamangs are generally assumed to be a homogenous community in their identity from outside but when they are observed closely an ethnographic standpoint great variation can be found in their social, cultural, language,economy, and ritual practice. Tamangs of Kerabari mostly go to India to earn their livelihood at a very young age, an unskilledlabor and underpaid. Most of spend their income in household expenses, very few buy lands while some manage to construct and repair their houses. No one of the Tamangs can be found in the Nepali police, army and other government employment They find the working procedures in the government offices complicated and tiring. Tamang culture it is believed that the children are born out of the mother's blood and bone of the father. Hence, the Tamang women do not change their surname ever after they are married to different clans. But interesting the Tamang women in Kerabari change their surname after marriage. It is not considered good for a Tamang woman in Kerabari to go outside for work. Overall many important variations in various aspects whether its economy, political,social, or cultural can be found among the Tamangs of Kerabari and Tamangs of other areas. There is no relationship of the Tamang of Kerabari with its umbrella organization called Nepal Tamang Ghedung (NTG) or with the Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities(NEFIN). To conclude my findings, the Tamangs of Kerabari are double marginalized people of Nepal.