Biological threat: A new dimension of defense and security strategy

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Department of International Relations and Diplomacy
History highlights us the adverse effects of microorganisms on human lives. Epidemics and pandemics started since ages and the ability of these agents to cause disease in humans have been employed by states to fight their enemies. These weapons in the progress of time has been used by terrorist thus possessing a new sort of security threat to states. The biological threats to individuals and to states through any of these means is a security concern for the states and to the international community as a whole, the study of which is the scope of this research. Through an exploratory qualitative design and utilizing the data from previous literatures and other authentic sources the research tried to get insights of biological threats, biosecurity and biodefense and classify the biological threats under certain framework. Adding to this, the research also aimed to reveal initiatives taken by states collectively at international level and at national level, including that of Nepal. Biological threats are found to be emerging from three main means- natural occurrence, accidental release and deliberate use which can further be divided under epidemics and pandemics, bio-warfare programs and medical laboratories, and bio-warfare between states, bioterrorism and bio-crimes. International Health Regulations (2005), Biological Weapons Convention and WHO Biosafety Programs among others are some of the initiatives taken collectively whereas formulation and implementation of laws and other legal documents, and establishment of various institutions in the field of public health, defense and security, research, animal, plant, food and environment, and economy are some of the individual steps taken by states. Similar results are found to be aligning with that of Nepal as it faces biological security threats from similar sources in its own, political and geographical context. Key words: Biological Threats, Biosecurity, Biodefense, Bioterrorism, Epidemics, Pandemics.