The Effectiveness of Pictures in Teaching English Prepositions

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Department of English Education
This study was concerned with the effectiveness of pictures in teaching English prepositions. The researcher selected forty students of grade-VII from a government school; "Shree Badi Malika Secondary School" Syuna, Kalikot, as sample population.A test consisting of five different test items was the main tool for data collection. Apre-test was given before starting teaching to determine the existing proficiency of the students. Then, they were divided into two groups on the basis of the odd-even roll number according to the individual scores obtained in the pre-test. After dividing the minto two groups, both groups were taught the same subject matter using the same materials. Pictures were used for teaching preposition in group ‘A’ and the usual teaching technique was used for teaching prepositions in group 'B'. After the completion of the teaching a post-test (the same pre-test item) was given. Then, the results of both the pre-test and the post-test were compared to determine the effectiveness of two techniques. The main finding of the study is that teaching prepositions through picture at grade-VII was more effective than teaching without using pictures. This thesis is divided into four chapters. Each chapter is divided into different sub-chapters. The first chapter deals with general background of the study review of the literature, objectives and significance of the study. The second chapter deals with the methodology, data gathering procedure and limitations of the study. The third chapter deals with analysis, interpretation and presentation of the data. Chapter four includes findings and recommendations with the help of analysis and interpretation. In the finalsection of the study, the references, and appendixes are included.