Factors affecting employee retention in Nepalese manufacturing companies

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This study examines the factor affecting employee retention in manufacturing companies in Nepal. This study is based on descriptive research design and causalcomparative research design. 400 employees or respondents are taken as a sample of the study. Correlation and regression analysis is used to analyze the data. This study found that employee agreed that supervisor support and work life balance factor highly affects their retention and they believe that their retention was also high. The correlation analysis shows that the correlation analysis reveals that training & development and career opportunities have significant positive relationship with employee retention. At the same time, there is significant positive association between work life balance and employee retention. Similarly, correlation value between compensation & benefit and the employee retention is significant positive. Moreover, correlation value between supervisor support and the employee retention is significant positive. The regression analysis shows that there is significant positive effect of training & development and career opportunities on employee retention. Then, there is also significant positive effect of work life balance on employee retention in companies. At the meantime, compensation & benefit has significant positive impact on employee performance. Finally, supervisor support has significant positive effect on employee retention in companies. However, all the factors have significant impact on employee retention in Nepalese manufacturing companies in Nepal. Keywords: Employees retention, training & development, career opportunities, supervisor support and work life balance.
Employees retention, Career opportunities