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Item EFFECT OF JOB STRESS ON EMPLOYEE TURNOVER INTENTION IN NEPALESE DEVELOPMENT BANKS(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Suraj Khadka; Indra Bahadur BoharaThis study investigates the effect of job stress on employee turnover intention in Nepalese development banks. This study is based on descriptive research design and causal-comparative research design. 384 employees or respondents are taken from development banks as a sample of the study. Correlation and regression analysis is used to analyze the data. This study shows that work overload, working environment, role ambiguity and supervisor support are the major determinants of job stress which lead to increase employee turnover in Nepalese development banks. The analysis also shows that the majority of the respondents highly agreed that work overload factors are affecting their employee turnover. This study also reveals that a significant positive association between work overload and employee turnover. Likewise, there is significant negative relation between working environment and the employee turnover. But there is significant positive relationship between role ambiguity and the employee turnover. At last, correlation value between supervisor support and the employee turnover is significant negative. Regression analysis shows that work overload and role ambiguity have significant positive effect employee turnover. However, working environment and supervisor support have significant negative effect on turnover among employee in Nepalese development banks.Item EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION AND HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN NEPALESE COMMERCIAL BANKS(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Binita Maharjan; Asso. Prof. Dr. Kapil KhanalThe objective of the study is to evaluate and investigate the employee satisfaction with human resource management of Nepalese commercial banks. This study adopts descriptive research design to analyze the human resource management status which causes employee satisfaction in Nepalese commercial bank. Causal-comparative design is used to find the cause and effect of relationship between different factors and employee satisfaction in Nepalese commercial banks. The regression analysis on dependent variable (employee satisfaction) and independent variables i.e. recruitment and selection (RS), training and development (TD), compensation policy (CP) and performance appraisal (PA) is analyzed in SPSS software. It is found that that there is very strong positive relation between performance appraisal and employee satisfaction in comparison to other variables of HRM practice studied in this study. Although all the variables are positively associated with employees’ satisfaction in Nepalese commercial banks. There are some complaints from some employees about the recruitment and selection and training and development program of the banks, since these variables have low degree relationship with employee satisfaction. The most significant factor of HRM practice to increase employee satisfaction is performance appraisal system followed by compensation policy of the banks. The bank management should particularly work to improve these dimensions in order to obtain happier and more productive employees.Item EFFECT OF WORK LIFE BALANCE ON JOB SATISFACTION IN NEPALESE DEVELOPMENT BANKS(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Risha Chhetri; Mikha ShresthaThis study investigates the effect of work life balance on job satisfaction in Nepalese development banks. This study is based on descriptive research design and causalcomparative research design. 400 employees or respondents are taken from development banks as a sample of the study. The primary data are used to extract the information from the employees. For data collection, Convenience sampling is used to track the respondents for the study. Correlation and regression analysis is used to analyze the data. This study found that workplace support and working hours are the factor highly affects their satisfaction and they believe that their satisfaction was also high. The correlation analysis shows that workplace support has significant positive relationship with job satisfaction of employee in Nepalese development banks. Then, work to family interference has negative and significant association with job satisfaction. There is also negative and significant relationship between family to work life balance and job satisfaction. Moreover, working hours has significant positive relationship with job satisfaction of development banks in Nepal. The regression result concluded that workplace support has significant positive impact on job satisfaction in Nepalese development banks. Then, there is significant negative effect of work to family interference and family to work interference on employee job satisfaction in banks. Finally, working hours has significant positive impact on employee job satisfaction of development banks in Nepal. Hence, it can be concluded that all the factors have significant impact on job satisfaction means work life balance has the significant impact on employee job satisfaction in Nepalese development banks.Item MOBILE BANKING SERVICE QUALITY AND CONTINUANCE INTENTION AMONG NEPALESE MOBILE BANKING USERS(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Chandra Bahadur Pariyar; Dinesh BasnetThe increased use of mobile technology makes mobile banking services more engaging to examine among Nepalese mobile banking users. The aim of this study is to investigate the mobile banking service quality and continuance intention among Nepalese mobile banking users. Descriptive and casual research design has been used. A quantitative approach was followed making use of questionnaires for the collection of data. Two hundred and fifty four samples were used in this study. The theoretical framework for the study was constructed based on various literature reviews. Utilizing multiple regression analysis, the results indicate that, overall, the independent variables; efficiency and fulfillment have positive relationship with continuance intention and system availability has no effect on continuance intention. Additionally, the results revealed several strong predictors that influence users' intention to use mobile banking. Users also demonstrate a certain level of efficiency, as evidenced by their continued use of mobile banking services. However, system availability for mobile banking has a negative impact. The paper provides an understanding about the dynamics between mobile banking service quality and continuance intention. This research has made significant contributions to the mobile banking literature in multiple areas. So, this study has has enriched the relevant literature by highlighting the importance of mobile banking service quality and continuance intention of the customer. Our findings underscore the significance of mobile banking service quality as an indicator of continuance intention in the domain of mobile banking. This study introduces mobile banking service quality into the existing EDT framework. This study expected to provide necessity insights for managers and policymakers on mobile naming sector. From a practical perspective, our findings are valuable for mobile banking application designers and service providers aiming to enhance competitiveness and service qualityItem FACTORS AFFECTING EMPLOYEES’ PERSONAL DECISION TO LEAVE EMPLOYMENT FACTORS(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Atul Pudasaini; Asso. Prof. Dr. Kapil KhanalThe study on Factors Affecting Employees’ Personal Decision to Leave Employment completed by scholars. The objectives of study were to analyze the factor which influences employee’s personal decision to leave job, examine the relationship between job, leave as dependent variable and independent variable job satisfaction, commitment, personal fit or stress and examine factors impact on employee’s personal decision to leave job. The research was completed under the descriptive and analytical research design taking sample size 400 by convenience techniques out of the bank’s employees in Kathmandu valley. Similarly, the sample banks were Global IME, Mega bank limited, Prabhu bank limited, Sanima bank limited, NMB bank limited, SBI bank limited, and Sunrise bank limited out of 21 commercial banks in Nepal. The secondary nature and source of data were used collected through the structural questionnaire as convenience sampling, where data were analyzed through the descriptive statistical tools such as mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, correlation and regression model. The finding of the study was there significant correlation among the dependent variable employee’s personal decision to leave employment and independent variables employee perception, external opportunities, commitment, support etc. and the EPD, EPO, EPS, and EPC significantly influences the personal decision of employees to leave employment ate 0.05 level. The conclusion of study that banks should consider the factor which influences the personal decision to leave job in banks. Which helps to minimize the requirement cost of banks and max the productivityItem CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT AND PROFITABILITY OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN NEPAL(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Ramita Maharjan; Asso. Prof.Rita MaskeyCredit Risk Management and Profitability of commercial Banks in Nepal help to determained is any credit institution's success or failure can be directly attributed to poor credit risk management. The primary worry of the banks is credit risk and its administration as credit or credits and advances are the principal kind of revenue for them. This concentrate hence expects to look at the effect of credit risk the board on productivity of banks in Nepal. For five years (2018-19 to 2022-23), secondary data were gathered from Nepali commercial banks. The multiple regression analysis was used in this study. The finding shows that all the example banks have overseen advances as well as the nonperforming credits. The connection examination shows that credit and advance (LA) has critical connection with non-performing credit (NPL) in 1% degree of importance with relationship coefficients 0.466 which truly intends that there is moderate level of positive relationship among's credit and advance and non-performing advance. Simultaneously, credit and advance (LA) has critical connection with advance deficit arrangement (LLP) and net benefit (NP) in 1% degree of importance. Be that as it may, there is immaterial positive connection between's non-performing credit and net benefit. This study recommends that Nepalese commercial banks collaborate with credit reference bureaus in the country to thoroughly investigate the past credit worthiness records of loan applicants in order to reduce the rate of default. Additionally, the result found that loan and advance, non-performing loan, and loan loss provision have a significant impact on sample banks' profitability. Key words: Credit risk, profitability, loan & advance, non-performing loan.Item ENTREPRENEURIAL ORIENTATION AND BUSINESS PERFORMANCE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN KATHMANDU(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Mallika Joshi; Sita DhitalThe purpose of the study was to identify the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance of Small and Medium Enterprises. The descriptive and causal comparative research design has applied in this research. The descriptive and causal comparative research design has applied in this research. The study has based on statistical test such as correlation, regression analysis etc. Considering the purpose and requirements of this research, the Descriptive and Causal comparative research design has employed. The population of the study involved entrepreneurs from Kathmandu Metropolitan city in Bagmati Province, Nepal. Convenience sampling, a nonprobability sampling method, was implemented as the only online medium used for data collection. Similarly, out of 425 questionnaires issued, 410 sample responses were successfully collected. In conclusion, the analysis highlights the importance of Autonomy, Risk Taking, Networking, and Innovation as key factors influencing the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises. These findings emphasize the need for entrepreneurs to foster an environment that encourages entrepreneurial autonomy, embraces risk-taking opportunities, establishes strong networking connections, and promotes innovation in order to enhance the performance of their businesses. The results indicate that Autonomy, Risk Taking, Networking, and Innovation play crucial roles in driving Small and Medium Enterprises Business performance. Entrepreneurs and small business owners should strive to create an environment that promotes these factors to enhance their business outcomes. However, the role of Pro-activeness requires further examination to ascertain its significance in the context of Small and Medium Enterprises Business performance. These findings emphasize the need for entrepreneurs to foster an environment that encourages entrepreneurial autonomy, embraces risk-taking opportunities, establishes strong networking connections, and promotes innovation in order to enhance the performance of their businesses. Key words: Autonomy, Business performance of Small and Medium Enterprises, Innovation, Networking, Pro-activeness, Risk-takingItem THE EFFECT OF LIQUIDITY ON PROFITABILITY OF MICROFINANCE COMPANIES IN NEPAL(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Rita Thapa; Asso. Prof. Dr. Kapil KhanalMany institutions worldwide lack a formal and suitable financial policy on the administration and management of liquidity. For financial institutions experiencing fastpaced growth like microfinance banks, the establishment of norms and policies to administer cash and liquidity is nonetheless crucial for the institutional viability as much in the short term as in the long term. This study sought to establish the effect of liquidity on profitability of microfinance companies in Nepal. The population of the study was comprised of all 65 microfinance companies in Nepal operating in the years 2015 to 2022. Fora microfinance bank to qualify it needed to have been in operation during the whole period of the study and therefore institutions that were not in operation in the wholeperiod of study were eliminated Secondary data was used in conducting the study. The study involved secondary data collection of the return on assets, to measure profitability and the ratio of loans to deposits to measure liquidity during a specific year. The study used secondary data obtained from Central Bank of Nepal, annual supervision reports and Association of Microfinance institutions annual publications. The study used descriptive statistics and regression analysis to establish the relationship between the study variables. The response rate was 67% that is a total 3 out of 65 licensed microfinance banks in Nepal that satisfied the data collection criteria. The study found out that there is a weak negative relationship between liquidity and profitability of microfinance banks in Nepal. Liquidity was found to be one of the determinants of profitability of Microfinance Banks in Nepal. The study recommends that the finance managers of microfinance banks maintain optimal levels of liquidity in order to remain profitable. Key Words: Capital Adequacy Ratio, Operation Efficiency, Liquidity Ration, Asset Quality, Return on AssetItem CONSUMER PERCEPTION ON PACKAGING OF ENERGY DRINKS IN NEPAL(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Jeevan Prashad Dhital; Asso. Prof. Dr. Kapil KhanalThis paper postulates the findings on the consumers purchase decision of various factors of product packaging of energy drinks in Kathmandu valley. It tries to understand the relationship of independent variables (packaging design, packaging innovation, and package labeling and package brand image). The study is important and worthwhile for all the buyers of energy drinks. In the study, 400 sample size has been taken and simple random sampling technique has been used. SPSS software tool has been used to analyse the data. Multiple regression analysis and correlation analysis was carried out. The data was collected from primary source. Using the correlation analysis, it was known that all the packaging variables has significant positive relationship with the consumers purchase decision. Similarly, packaging design was found most influencing independent variables among other variables that makes consumer purchase more. The regression analysis shows that packaging design and packaging innovations significantly affect the consumers purchase decision whereas package labeling and package brand image doesn‘t significantly affect the consumers purchase decision. This study suggest that companies should focus more on its packaging like on design, innovations etc according to consumers needs and wants in the market. The result of this study shows that Company‘s packaging strategy should reflect their brand personality. Company should bring some changes regarding use of design and innovation, which plays a vital role in the sales of products. Company should also invent such packaging where consumers can reuse or recycle it for different purpose in household think.Item ROLE OF CO-OPERATIVES IN PROMOTING FINANCIAL INCLUSION(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Binda Paudel; Dr. Binita ManandharItem THE IMPACT OF LEADERSHIP STYLES ON EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT IN PRIVATE ISP COMPANIES IN NEPAL(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Anil Pangeni; Dinesh BasnetThis study investigates the impact of leadership styles on employee commitment within Nepalese Internet Service Providers (ISPs), primarily in the private sector. Using a descriptive and correlational research design, data were collected from 217 employees across various ISPs in Nepal through a structured questionnaire. The research aimed to explore the relationship between leadership styles—Directive, Participative, Supportive, and Achievement-Oriented— and employee commitment. The methodology included stratified sampling, and statistical analysis was conducted using Smart PLS and SPSS software. The findings revealed significant associations between leadership styles and employee commitment. Directive leadership style, emphasizing clear instructions and goal-setting, showed a moderate effect on normative commitment but lacked emotional engagement. Supportive leadership style, characterized by empathy and feedback, fostered affective commitment by addressing employees' personal needs. Participative leadership style, involving employees in decision-making, promoted ownership and responsibility, leading to affective and normative commitment. Achievementoriented leadership style, focusing on recognition and continuous improvement, enhanced continuance commitment by aligning organizational values with personal goals. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the importance of effective leadership in influencing employee commitment within Nepalese ISPs. It recommends leadership development initiatives, tailored training programs, feedback mechanisms, recognition systems, and continuous improvement strategies to enhance leadership effectiveness and foster greater commitment among employees. By implementing these recommendations, Nepalese ISPs can create a conducive work environment where employees are motivated, engaged, and committed to achieving organizational goals, contributing to long-term success and sustainability. Keywords: Leadership style, ISP, Employee commitment, Smart PLSItem INFULANCE OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ON PERFORMANCE OF NEPLEASE COMMERICIAL BANKS(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Anita Bogati; Dr. Binita ManandharItem FACTORS AFFECTING EMPLOYEE RETENTION IN NEPALESE INSURANCE COMPANIES(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Samata Sharma Poudel; Keshar Singh Khati / Keshav ChandThe research aims to analyze the relationship between compensation, leadership, training and development, work environment, and employee retention in life insurance companies. Additionally, it seeks to examine the impact of these factors on employee retention. These objectives stem from the problem statement, focusing on whether there is a relationship between compensation, leadership, training and development, work environment, and employee retention, and what the impact of these factors is. The study employs a descriptive and causal-comparative research design, using correlation and regression analysis to achieve its goals. Compensation, leadership, training and development, and work environment are the independent variables, while employee retention is the dependent variable. The sample includes three insurance companies with 400 respondents selected through convenience sampling. The research findings indicate that compensation and employee retention are perfectly correlated and significant. Similarly, leadership and employee retention, as well as training and development with employee retention, show perfect and significant correlations. The work environment also has a significant and perfect correlation with employee retention. Furthermore, the impacts of compensation, leadership, training and development, and work environment on employee retention are all significant. Keywords: compensation, leadership, training and development, work environment and employee retentionItem IMPACT OF SOCIAL SUPPORT ON ORGANIZATION COMMITMENT IN COMMERCIAL BANKS IN NEPAL(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Keyur Lama; Arun NeupaneThe research reveals that Social support plays a prominent role in a Banking sector and on an individual‘s commitment towards the fulfillment of employees and organizational goals. Among the Job support, Managerial Support and Organizational Support which falls under the categories of Social support, the employees of private bank in Nepal considered the factors as an important to continue the job and maintain sound well-being of the employees with satisfaction. Research has demonstrated the impact of social support in organizational commitment in Nepalese commercial banks. For the survey, 202 employees were randomly selected from Nepalese commercial banks. The data analysis is conducted through the calculation of frequencies: mean, standard deviation, Cronbach alpha, correlation and regression analysis. The performance measures like organizational commitment has been used as dependent variable while organizational support, managerial support, job support have been considered as independent variable. The results indicate that organizational support and managerial support have a positive and significant impact on organizational commitment. In contrast, job support has an insignificant impact on organizational commitment. The study also investigated the effects that perceived support from supervisors, co-workers and organizations had on employees‘ commitment to the employing and client organizations. It is suggested that the Banks top management should put attention much more to make a direct relationship between social support and organizational commitment. In doing so the top management should enhance the social support among employees by providing reasonable retirement benefit, PPF, monetary benefit etc. Keeping in view to sustain the level of employees commitment at higher level, top management should be very carefully match the length of tenure and social support. In the greater interest of increasing organizational commitment, through the increase level of efficiency of employees the top management should create a work culture environment within the organization. It is likely that there is relationship between how much an employee perceives support from supervisors and co-workers and the level of commitment they have towards the organization. Keywords: Social Support, Organizational Commitment, Banking Sector.Item FACTOR AFFECTING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN NEPALESE COMMERCIAL BANKS(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Sita Thapa; Asso. Prof. Dr. Kapil KhanalThis study investigates the factors affecting employee performance in Nepalese commercial banks. This study is based on descriptive research design and causalcomparative research design. 400 employees or respondents are taken from three government banks as a sample of the study. Correlation and regression analysis is used to analyze the data. This study found that employee agreed that job satisfaction factor highly affects their performance and they believe that their performance was also high. The correlation analysis shows that leadership and employee performance is significant positive between these variables. At the same time, there is significant positive association between working environment and the employee performance. Similarly, correlation value between motivation and the employee performance is significant positive. Moreover, correlation value between job satisfaction and the employee performance is significant positive. The regression result concluded that there is significant positive effect of leadership on employee performance. Then, there is also significant positive effect of working environment on employee performance in banks. At the meantime, motivation has significant positive impact on employee performance. Finally, job satisfaction has significant positive effect on employee performance in banks. Hence, all the factors have significant impact on employee performance in Nepalese commercial banks within Kathmandu Valley. Key words: Employees performance, leadership, working environment, motivation and job satisfaction,.Item DETERMINANTS OF EMPLOYEE RETENTION IN NEPALESE COMMERCIAL BANKS(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Chandra Bahadur Sapkota; Asso. Prof. Dr. Kapil KhanalThe research study titled "Determinants of Employees' Retention in Nepalese Commercial Banks" investigates factors influencing employee retention in Nepalese commercial banks, focusing on job attributes, work environment, team building, career development, and quality of work life as independent variables, with employees' retention as the dependent variable. Data was collected through Google questionnaires from 190 respondents working in these banks and analyzed using SPSS software. Descriptive and inferential statistical tools, such as mean, standard deviation, frequency analysis, correlation, regression, and hypothesis testing, were employed. In conclusion, the study sheds light on the factors that influence employee retention in Nepalese commercial banks. The research methodology involving primary data collection through Google questionnaires and statistical analysis using SPSS software proved effective in providing a comprehensive understanding of employee perceptions and experiences. The moderate levels of satisfaction in various aspects of the job and work environment suggest room for improvement to strengthen employee retention. By addressing the factors identified, such as promoting effective leadership, fostering diversity and inclusion, offering career development opportunities, and ensuring a positive work culture, banks can foster a more engaged and satisfied workforce. Ultimately, these efforts can contribute to the long-term success and growth of Nepalese commercial banks by retaining valuable talent and creating a positive work environment for all employees. Keywords: Employees' Retention. Job Attributes, Work Environment, Team Building, Career Development, Quality of Work LifeItem Factors affecting employee retention in Nepalese manufacturing companies(2024) Timilsina, Sujata ; Kapil KhanalThis study examines the factor affecting employee retention in manufacturing companies in Nepal. This study is based on descriptive research design and causalcomparative research design. 400 employees or respondents are taken as a sample of the study. Correlation and regression analysis is used to analyze the data. This study found that employee agreed that supervisor support and work life balance factor highly affects their retention and they believe that their retention was also high. The correlation analysis shows that the correlation analysis reveals that training & development and career opportunities have significant positive relationship with employee retention. At the same time, there is significant positive association between work life balance and employee retention. Similarly, correlation value between compensation & benefit and the employee retention is significant positive. Moreover, correlation value between supervisor support and the employee retention is significant positive. The regression analysis shows that there is significant positive effect of training & development and career opportunities on employee retention. Then, there is also significant positive effect of work life balance on employee retention in companies. At the meantime, compensation & benefit has significant positive impact on employee performance. Finally, supervisor support has significant positive effect on employee retention in companies. However, all the factors have significant impact on employee retention in Nepalese manufacturing companies in Nepal. Keywords: Employees retention, training & development, career opportunities, supervisor support and work life balance.Item Working capital management of organics industries in Biratnagar(2024) Neupane, Nabin Prasad ; Bhoj Raj OjhaThis study delves into the intricate relationship between current assets and current liabilities at Premier Organic Pvt Ltd. The primary focus is on optimizing working capital management, addressing overall company dynamics. Utilizing financial tools and statistical analysis, key metrics such as current ratio, net working capital, inventory conversion period, debtors collection period, payable deferral period, and cash conversion cycle are meticulously examined. The study acknowledges its limitations, including a narrow scope confined to working capital management and reliance on annual reports for data. Nevertheless, the research endeavors to offer insights into the efficiency of premier organic's working capital practices, presenting a holistic perspective into the efficiency of premier Organic working capital practices, presenting a holistic perspective on the company's financial health The study revealed a negative correlation between Inventory Conversion Period (ICP) and return on net assets (ROA) of Nigerian conglomerate companies. The study recommends that companies should sufficiently plan and control their operations, amend the shortfalls whenever identified, consider the principles of finance in their decision making, utilize the services of professionals in complex business areas and perform periodic stock taking. That there is an insignificant negative impact of the inventory conversion period (ICP) and receivable conversion period (RCP) and an insignificant positive impact of the payables deferral period (PDP). Thus, this paper concludes that Nepalese non-financial firm can increase their profitability by decreasing the current ratio (CR) and debt ratio (TDTA) and increasing the ratio of current assets to total assets (CATA). Keywords: Cash Conversion Cycle, Inventory Conversion Period, Payable Deferral Period, Return on AssetsItem Influence of psychological factor on entrepreneurial success in Kathmandu valley(2024) Niraula, Anju; Triratna ManandharThis objective of this study is effect of psychological factors on entrepreneurial success in Kathmandu valley. This study employs both qualitative and quantitative methods within a descriptive and causal research design the research draws on insights from various studies to establish a robust conceptual framework. To capture a representative sample, convenient sampling was applied, involving 400 respondents selected from the youth demographic in Nepal. The analysis of questionnaire data is conducted using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) which enabled a comprehensive examination of the relationships between distinct psychological factors and entrepreneurial success. The variables used in this study include Business Commitment, Self-Concept, Work Stress, and Managerial Competence, which were identified as crucial psychological factors influencing entrepreneurial success. Correlation analysis of the data revealed intriguing positive associations between these psychological variables and success of business, aligning with empirical evidence found in prior research. Regression analysis highlighted the collective and significant contribution of these psychological factors in elucidating variations in business success. The findings indicate that Business Commitment, Self Concept, and Managerial Competence play significant roles in predicting entrepreneurial success in Kathmandu Valley. The findings revealed significant positive associations between these psychological factors and success of business which indicate that individuals with higher levels of Business Commitment, Self Concept, and Managerial Competence tend to achieve greater success in business. This study used descriptive and causal research design, by collecting sample of 400 respondents from the youth demographic and business owners in Nepal which enabled a thorough examination of the relationships between psychological factors and entrepreneurial success. By using correlation and regression analyses this study, demonstrated the collective and significant contribution of these psychological factors in elucidating variations in business success. Business Commitment, Self Concept, and Managerial Competence emerged as significant predictors of entrepreneurial success in Kathmandu Valley. Key words: Business Commitment, Self Concept,, Work Stress, Managerial Competence, Success of BusinessItem Green HRM practices and employee retention in Nepalese Hotel Industry(2024) Bhattarai, Ritu ; Dhan Raj ChaliseThis study examines green HRM practices and employee retention in Nepalese hotel industry. This study is based on descriptive research design and causal-comparative research design. 390 employees or respondents are taken as a sample of the study. Correlation and regression analysis is used to analyze the data. This study found that the effect of green compensation & benefit is the dominant element in this study. In other word, it is obvious that majority of the respondents agreed that green compensation & benefit is the factor highly affects their employee retention and they believe that their satisfaction level is also high. The correlation analysis shows that green training & development, green career opportunities have significant positive relationship with employee retention in Nepalese hotel industry. Similarly, green work life balance, green compensation & benefit, green employee relation and green job satisfaction have also significant positive association with employee retention in Nepalese hotel industry. The multiple regression analysis reveals that green training & development and green compensation & benefit have significant positive impact on employee retention in Nepalese hotel industry. Likewise, green career opportunities, green work life balance, green employee relation and green job satisfaction have significant positive effect on employee retention in Nepalese hotel industry. Therefore, this study concluded that the HR practices such as green career opportunities, green work life balance, green employee relation and green job satisfaction have significant influence on employee retention in Nepalese hotel industry. Keywords: Employees retention, green career opportunities, green training & development, green job satisfaction and green compensation & benefit