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    (2022) Basel Sharada
    With the globalization, the Information Technology industry in Nepal is also getting bigger as it has become an indispensable element to modern day organizations.
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    Human Resource Management and Job Satisfaction of Development Banks in Nepal
    (Faculty of Management, 2024) Bist, Krishna
    ABSTRACT This study aim to analyze the human resource management and job satisfaction of development banks in Nepal. Quantitative research methodology and deductive apporach was followed. To achieve the research objectives, descriptive and casual comparative research design have used. In this research, 10 national level development bank's employees were defined as the population. Among them 273 employee have selected as the sample of the study. They were selected judgmentally. There was a positive correlation between employees satisfaction and selection and recruitment, training and development, performance evaluation, promotion practices, compensation and social benefit which was statistically significant. the all-research hypothesis have accepted. Keywords: Human Resource Management, Job satisfaction, selection and recruitment, training and development, performance, promotion, compensation and social benifit
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    A study on relationship between workers remittance and macro-economic variables in Nepal
    (Department of Management, 2014) Pandey, Gopi
    Not available
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    A thesis on supply chain management of Surya Nepal
    (Department of Management, 2010) Basi, Prabin
    Not available
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    The Role of Social Security Benefits to Motivate the Nepalese Civil Servants
    (Central Department of Public Administration, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, 2013-06) Dilip Raj Paudel
    Civil service is the permanent implementation arm of the government and one of the most important pillars of governance machinery which is conducted on the basis of legal rational authority by the officials selected on the basis of merit system. The quality of public service delivery relies, to the greater extent, upon the competency, efficiency and capability of civil service for which civil servants with high motivation and morale are the cornerstone. Therefore, several provisions-monetary and non-monetary- contribute in the maintaining and enhancing the motivation of civil servants are adopted in various laws and bylaws. One of such provisions is the Social Security Benefits (SSB) and the availability of SSB to the civil servants. They have been widely accepted as the major factor of motivation. The evolution of SSB is the result of the emergence of welfare state. It is said that Nepalese civil servants are lacking the high motivation. In this context it is worth studying to see the degree of the relationship between the SSB and level of motivation of civil servant at present. Though various facilities in terms of SSB have been insured by Civil Service Act and other rules, however, only four aspects namely sickness benefits, maternity benefits, provident fund benefits, pension benefits have been considered for this study. This study shows that the provisions and availability of SSB plays positive role in order to motivate civil servants, ensure social justice and protect fundamental rights resulting in the better result. SSB is important for civil servants during and after their service periods for better standard of life and to ensure commitment towards their job. But in our context, the present provisions are not sufficient to do so thereby indicating the need of further enhancement of such provisions in terms of quality and quantity. Nevertheless, different benefit’s role to motivate civil servants is not the same. They have varying degree of impact. This study has not only been successful in highlighting the effectiveness of overall civil service organizations and quality public service delivery but also has unlock new areas for further investigation on the importance of SSB to motivate the civil servants.
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    Impact of pashchimanchal grameen Bikas bank on women (a case study of Pashchimanchal Grameen Bikas Bank) (
    (Department of Management, 2013) Chapai चपाई‌, Hari हरि
    Not Available
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    Role of microfinance for poverty reduction
    (Department of Management, 2022) KC, Ritu
    Available with full text
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    Importance of internet banking in Neplese banking system
    (Department of Management, 2012) Maharjan, Rupa
    Not available
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    Labour relationship in Kali Gandki ''A hydro electric project Mirim Syangja
    (Department of Management, 2013) Rajbhandari, Rocky
    Not available
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    Revenue of Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal: An analytical study of Nepalgunj Airport
    (Department of Management, 2011) Kumari, Sarswati
    Not available
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    Impact of Nagbeli Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha limited on women empowerment in Budhabare Municipality
    (Department of Management, 2022) Bhandari, Natija
    Not available
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    Factors influencing entrepreneurial intention among the students of Tribhuvan University
    (Department of Management, 2022) Maharjan, Nikesh
    Despite the growth of young promising entrepreneurs in the country, to the best of our knowledge, there have only been few studies regarding students' entrepreneurial intentions. This research mainly focuses on factors affecting entrepreneurial intention among the students of Tribhuvan University of Kirtipur Municipality. This study aims to examine the factors affecting entrepreneurial intention. The Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behaviour are used in the study. In the study, four variables are taken as independent variables: Attitude towards behaviour, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and entrepreneurship education whereas entrepreneurial intention is used as dependent variable. The research used questionnaire as an instrument of primary data collection and distributed to 124 students through Google form. The research design embraced in the study consists of descriptive, relational and casual research designs. Various tools used for data analysis were mean, median, mode, standard deviation, variance, correlation, regression etc. The findings revealed that Attitude towards behaviour, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and entrepreneurship education have significant effect on students’ entrepreneurial intention.
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    Factors Affecting Online Knowledge Sharing Behavior Using Social Media in Kathmandu Valley among Youth of Gen Z
    After the US developed the World Wide Web in 1992, internet usage has risen. In Nepal, there really are 27.76 million people with internet connection. People's lives had been drastically altered by social media. People may now observe, converse, exchange information, ideas, and contacts with only one click. Social networking can be used to get jobs and get news about what's happening in the world. Users of social media are becoming more prevalent. During the COVID outbreak, it was the most effective means for kids and young people to spread information (Lamichhane, 2021).
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    (2023-01) TIWARI, SUJAN
    In the context of Nepal various study have been conducted to study the investors decision making process. Karmacharya et al. (2022) concluded that the Nepalese investors decision are influenced by the advice and the suggestion of other. Similarly, Shrestha (2020) also concluded similar to Karmacharya et. al (2022) and reported that the Nepalese investor decision are influenced by the family and friends and explored that the Nepalese investor individual investment decision are guided and influenced by the company related and the market related variables along with the risk and return related variables. Further Vaidya (2021) concluded that the Nepalese investors decision are heavily influenced by the fundamentals of the company and individual involves in the technical and the market trend for the short-term trading.
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    According to World Bank, tertiary education refers to all post-secondary education, including both public and private universities, colleges, technical training institutes, and vocational schools. This means more and more women are gaining higher level education in Nepal. This indicates future workforce will comprise of more female employees than male ones. As a result a larger proportion of workforce will perceive the existence of invisible barriers hampering their career growth, otherwise known as glass ceiling.
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    Smart phones have become an integral part of human life and consistent use of smart phones in daily life has become a lifestyle and need at a same time. Today many populations have internet accesses through smart phones and mobile devices rather than computer or laptop. Through Mobiles features a user can get in touch with a whole world by the help of internet. Increase in mobile users has brought a revolution in advertising and marketing sector called mobile marketing.
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    (2022-09) MAHARJAN, JOSANA
    While impulsive buying behavior offline has been studied since the 1950s impulsive behavior online is a rather new phenomenon and therefore not as researched (Verma & Singh, 2019) as offline impulse buying. Also, most of the articles found about impulse buying online have focused on other demographic variables than generations and those that were found were concentrated on only one generation. This study will compare two different generations, Gen X and Gen Y.
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    (2021-08) Tripathi, ANJU
    Advertising is a vital marketing tool that enables the firms to communicate directly with the consumer. Therefore, ads are made with the intent to seek viewer attention and response. In order that viewers like an ad and are pushed to make a purchase, it is essential to craft advertising messages such that they elicit the desired response. In doing so, when female are portrayed in ads, it becomes important the type of portrayal preferred by the viewers. The advertisers in portraying female are still biased. They prefer to portray female either in homemaker role, weaker role or in highly sexualized way.