Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary Through Task-Based Approach

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Central Department of English Education
This thesis is an effort to find out the effectiveness of teachingvocabularythrough task-based approach. It has been carried out practically.Fortystudents studying in grade nine fromShree Secondary School., Hattilet,Mahottari, were the sample population for this work. Before starting theclass, the students were pre-tested to determine their proficiency level invocabulary. After analyzing the scores of pre-test, real teaching ofvocabulary using task–based approachwas started. After teaching forthreeweeks, the post-test wasadministered.The results of pre-test andpost-test were analyzed to find out the effectiveness of teachingvocabulary through task-based approach. The findings of this studyshows thatteaching vocabulary through task-based approach is effective. The first chapterof this thesisdeals with general background of the study,review of the related literature,objectivesand significance of the study.The second chapter includes the research methodology, datacollectionprocedure and limitations of the study. The third chapter deals with theanalysis and interpretation of data which has been done on the basis ofdifference among the average score inpercentage in pre-test and post-test. Chapter four includes the findings and recommendationsbased ontheanalysis and interpretation.Final part of the thesis entails referencesand appendices.