Listening Proficiency of the Seventh Grade of Private and Public Schools: A Comparative Study
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Department of English Education
This present research attempts to find out the listening comprehension ability ofthe seven graders of public and private schools of Kathmandu valley.So this studyaccounts for the lower secondary level students' listening comprehensionability. Inorderto do so the researcher collected data from four different schools (two publicand twoprivate)of the valley.The total sample population of the study consists of80students (20from each school) which were selected by using judgemental non random samplingprocedure. The researcher selected two dialogues and two passages and constructedobjective type of questions. He visited the selected schools at different times andadministered the test to the above mentioned population. They were given a limited timei.e. 20 minutes on each. The raw scores of the students were tabulated on the basis ofvariable specified. Simple statistical tools were used to analyze the data by calculating theaverages and percentages. This study found out that the listening comprehension abilityof the 7 graders is quite satisfactory.This study also shows that there was not muchdifference between the students of public and private schools though the private schools'students excelled the public. Similarly, marks obtained by the girls andboys also did nothave much difference even than girls obtained higher scoresthanthose ofboys.
This study consistsof four chapters.Chapter one consists of the general background, review of related literature,
objectivesof the study, significance of the study and definitionsof the specific terms.
Chapter two consists of the methodology of the study. It deals with the source ofdata, population of the study, sampling procedures, tools for data collection, process ofdata collection and limitations of the study.
Chapter three consists of the analysis and interpretation of the collected data. Thedata wereanalyzedon the basis of the variables that were specified in the objectives, i.e.public versus private schoolsand sex.
Chapter four consists of the major findings and recommendations of the study.
English Languag, Comparative Study