Analysis of Teaching Short Stories Through Montessori Techniques

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Department of English Education
The present study entitled "Analysis of Teaching Short Stories ThroughMontessori Techniques" is an attempt to find out the techniques adopted by theteachers in teaching short stories at pre-primary level Montessori schools. In orderto fulfil the objectives of the study, two research tools viz.,class observation formand questionnaire totheMontessori trainerswere used. Thetotalsample size ofthe study consisted of 6 Montessori trainers and 10 teachers who were working inMontessori schools. The questionnaires were administered on the trainers and theclassroom activities of the teacherswere observed using an observation checklist.The sample was taken using non-random judgmental samplingprocedure. Thefindings of the study revealed thatalmost all theteachersmotivated their studentsafter entering the classroom. But the degree and way of theirmotivationwasvaried. Majority of the teachers, about90per cent,considered the age and level ofthe childrendistinctlywhereas 10per centof them considered itmoderately.Similarly, almost alltheteachers used visual aids in teaching stories but thequality andway ofusing the visual aids was different from teacher to teacher. This thesis is organized in four chapters. The first chapter presents the generalbackground on teaching story undertheMontessori education system inMontessoriclasses including the concept of Montessoriphilosophy, Montessoricurriculum, featuresand importanceof Montessori technique,techniquesofteaching story etc. The second chapter is concerned with the methodology used inthe study, under which sources of data, sampling procedure, tools for datacollection, process of data collection and limitations of thestudy are described.Chapterthree deals with the analysis and interpretations of the data. The analysiswasdonein two sections. Section 'A' deals with the analysis of collected data interms of trainers' response and section 'B' deals with the analysisof collected datainterms of techniques used byMontessoriteachers in teaching story at pre-primary levelMontessoriclasses. The final chapter lists the major findings andrecommendations of the study.References and appendices are added to thefinalchapter.