Knowledge on Stds, HIV/AIDS and Sexual Behavior of Three Wheeler Drivers: A Study of Janakpur Area, Nepal

The first case of AIDS in Nepal is recognized in July 1988. The cumulative numbers of HIV cases are recorded 6443 end of April 2006 (NCASC). Non-formal sources estimate a rather large number of people infected by HIV in Nepal. Therefore, the dramatic surge of STDs and AIDS in recent years isemerging as a burning problem in Nepal. The specific objectives of this study are to examine the mode of transmission and prevention of STDs andHIV/AIDS, effective source of knowledge about STDs and HIV/AIDS and identify the sexual behaviour of three wheeler drivers. The study shows that ethnic groups are major (39%) ethnicity. Among the total respondents, about 94.5% are Hindus. All respondents were literate and the largest number (50.9%) of respondents has secondary majority of the respondents 67 percent non-migrants and most respondents 78 percentare ever married. Nearly 42 percent respondents had less than five thousand monthly income. Findings shows that out of total 110 respondents all (100%) of respondents have heard of STDs and HIV/AIDS and more than 99 percent have knowledge on the modes of transmission of STDs. Similarly, 99 percent have knowledge on HIV/AIDS transmitted by sexual contact and 96 percent have knowledge its prevention. A little less than two third (66.4%) respondents have knowledge about HIV/AIDS is incurable disease. Similarly, a little morethan one third (34.5%) of respondents have knowledge about cause of AIDS.Effective source of knowledge is I/NGOs programmes and friends or relatives about knowledge on STDs and HIV/AIDS. About 62 percent drivers have experienced of pre-marital sex and mean age at first sexual contact was 19years, about 19 percent drivers had first sexual contact with prostitutes.More than 64 percent drivers were not used condom during last sexual contact. Majority of the drivers have knowledge about safe sexual contact.