Expressing Likes and Dislikes in Maithili and English

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Department of English Education
This study attempts to identify and compare the likes and dislikes expressed by native speakers of English and Maithili. For the study, the researcher took sample population from the Kathmandu valley, Dhanusha and Mahottari districts which consisted of altogether 60 native speakers i.e. 30 of English and30 from Maithili. The study was entirely based on the primary data i.e. there sponses obtained from the native speakers of the English and Maithili languages through the questionnaire distributed to them. The responses were recorded for analysis and interpretation. Upon the analysis of the collecteddata, the researcher came up with the conclusion that the native speakers of Maithili used the most common expressions more than their English counterparts while expressing likes and dislikes. Furthermore, it has also been found that English people used simple, less ambiguous and full sentences with their teachers, friends, and relatives whereas Maithili people used short, direct and ambiguous sentences. The study is divided into four chapters: The first chapter introduces the study in terms of background, review of related literature, objectives of the study and significance of the study. The second chapter is an account of the methodology applied to carry out the research work along with the limitations of the study.The third chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of data using some statistical tools to make the study objective and accurate. The fourth and the final chapter presents the list of findings and some recommendations made on the basis of the analysis and interpretation of the data. Eventually references and appendices are also given. The appendix part includes research tools and other information.
human beings, English Language, Maithili Language