A Study on the Strategies in Teaching Story at Grade Twelve

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Department of English Education
This research entitled “A Study on the Strategies in Teaching Story at Grade Twelve” is an attempt to find out the strategies adopted by the teachers in teaching the short story at class twelve. It also aims to point out the problems faced by the students while studying the story at that level. In order to achieve these objectives, two research tools viz- questionnaire to the students, and class observation form for the teachers were prepared. Ten Higher Secondary Schools of Kathmandu District were selected non- randomly for the collection of data. Among them, five Higher Secondary Schools were public and five were private. One teacher from each school was selected purposively and 40 students, four from each were selected non- randomly. After preparing the tools, the researcher visited the sample schools. The researcher administered the questionnaire to the selected students and also observed classes of the selected teachers for four days focusing on the strategies of teaching the story. Very divergent situation was found in the strategy of teaching the story. It was varying from teacher to teacher. No fixed strategy was found in teaching the story at class twelve. The condition of teaching story to the respective level was found satisfactory. Though there was domination of lecture method, teachers were using other methods too in delivering the content, Pre-while and post- reading activities followed by the teachers in teaching the story were found good .It also found that students were facing with different problems in learning the English story. Problems of language, and cultural terms, problems to understand the role of the narrators were some of them. The present study consists of four chapters. The first chapter deals with general background, objectives of the study, significance of the study and review of related literature. Chapter two deals with the methodology of the study. Methodology consists of sources of data, population of the study, sampling procedure, tools for data collection and limitations of the study. Chapter three deals with the analysis and interpretation of the data. The analysis was done in two sections. First section deals with the analysis of collected data in terms of strategies and second deals with the analysis of collected data in terms of problems. And, the last i.e. chapter four deals with the findings and recommendations of the study.