Comparative Study of Solid Waste Management in Chitwan Hospital and Bharatpur Hospital of Chitwan District

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Faculty of Rural Development
This study is entitled “Comparative study of solid waste management in Chitwan hospital and Bharatpur Hospital of Chitwan District ''. This research is a descriptive type. This study is mainly based on primary data as well as secondary data. Out of total respondents 80 respondents were selected randomly. Solid-waste management is associated with controlling the generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing, and disposal of solid waste in a manner that is in accordance with the best principles of health, economics, engineering, conservation, aesthetics, and other environmental considerations, and that is also responsive to public attitudes. In its scope, solid-waste management includes all administrative, financial, legal, planning, and engineering functions involved in the solutions to all problems of solid waste. The study shows that 18.75 percent respondents had negative attitude on solid waste and 81.25 percent respondent had shown their responsibility on management of solid waste. Among them 77.5 percent respondents disposed their waste in a dustbin, 17.7 percent of the respondents their waste by themselves and 5 percent respondents were throw their wastes on the corner randomly. Out of total 97.5 percent respondents separate decomposable and non-decomposable waste before throwing it out whereas 2.5 percentage of respondent do not separate waste according to their nature. The study show that 56.25 percent respondents knew to re- used the waste whereas remaining 43.75 percent respondents did not know or neglect the process of reusing waste. Out of total 88.75 of the respondents gain profit from the waste whereas 11.25 percent of the respondents although know about earning from the waste were found careless enough to store their wastes and sell to the scrap dealers. This study show that 92.5 percent respondents are satisfactory on waste disposal management system of hospitals and 7.5 percent respondents were not satisfactory on disposal management system of hospitals. Out of 80 respondents 55 percent respondents disposed their waste twice in a day 38.75 percent disposed waste daily and 6.25 percent disposed waste weekly of the hospitals. The study concludes that the waste management system in CH and Bharatpur Hospital is poor. The segregation, collection, transportation, storage and disposal practice of the hospital waste was found unsatisfactory. The mixing of general, hazardous and sharps wastes were might be due to lack of proper training and instruction about waste segregation system. It was also due to carelessness of patients, visitors and staffs. Even hospital administration, doctors, nurses and other staffs had not given due priority to effective waste management.