Impact of Foreign Employment (A Case Study of Migrants of Banganga VDC of Kapilvastu District)

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Department of Population Studies
Literally, migration refers to phenomena and the process of people from one place to another, such as crossing intra or international geographical boundaries.Population studies of migration are diverse and usually from part of larger problems in (for example) research into kinship, social networks or economic development. The motive for migration includes political, economic, social andenvironmental causes, which are based on different reasons. The micro level study on ‘Impact of Foreign Employment’ is confined to Banganga Village Development Committee of Kapilvastu district in Western Development Region of Nepal. The main objective of this is to describe the causes and socio-economic effects of the foreign employment of the study area. The study comprises 105 emigrants’households representing three wards of the VDC and different caste and ethnicgroups. The majority of the people in the village do not have sufficient land, despite being farmer, as a main source of earning the livelihood. All the represented household sare engaging in subsistence farming. Foreign employment or labor migration has been an important occupation in the village to maintain the household. Remittance is used for immediate food and other household requirements, pay debt, buy new land and houses. There are various factors for foreign employment. In recent years, the trend of labor migration has increased due to increasing population pressure,unemployment and prevailing political conflict.