Reading Speed and Comprehension of Grade Ten Students

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Faculty of English Education
The thesis entitled ‘Reading Comprehension and Speed of Grade Ten Students’ has been prepared to find out the reading comprehension and speed of the students of the grade ten who are studying in different private and government aided schools of Morang district. It shows the comparison among the students of different secondary schools, comparison between private and government schools. To conduct the research, the researcher took the sample students studying in grade ten of Morang district. Four schools (two Private and two government aided) were selected and twenty students from each school were taken for the purpose of data collection. Only written script in objective tests i.e. Multiple choice, True/False, Matching and Completion items were given to the students to collect data. After conducting the test, their answers were checked, recorded and analyzed on the basis of general standard of reading comprehension and speed. The findings show that the students of grade ten of Morang district can comprehend a seen passage better than an unseen passage. Similarly, they have better reading speed on seen text than that of unseen text. According to the present research, the students of private school have better reading comprehensibility and speed than the students of government school. The first chapter of this thesis consists of general background which includes a short description of reading comprehension and speed, reading as skills, types of reading, importance of reading, components of reading and approaches to reading. Similarly, it also includes the review of the related literature, the objectives of the study, significance of the research and limitations of the study. The second chapter deals with the methodology adopted for the research under which the sources of data collection, sampling procedures, the tools for the data collection, piloting test items, process of data collection and limitations of the study are mentioned. Similarly, the third chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of the data obtained by applying simple statistical means. The fourth chapter deals with findings and recommendations based on the research.