Conflict among the Colonizers: A Study on Colonial Resistance in Le Clezio’s Onitsha

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Department of English
Onitsha highlights resistant campaign carried out by some colonizers against the colonial rule in African country, Nigeria. Maou, Fintan and Geoffrey are the colonial agents who stand against the colonial rule in Nigeria. Some colonial agents could not tolerate the series of colonial torture and exploitation by colonizers upon the colonized people. They find the beautiful Nigeria ravaged by the colonial rule. Then, Maou, one of the colonial agents, adamantly stands on the side of local Nigerian people protesting the colonial cruelty. She befriends the local people instead of wives of other colonial agents posted in Nigeria. She strongly advocates the rights of colonized people and gives voice to the voiceless African people. And she fearlessly faces the challenges appeared before her after she acts against the colonialism and in support of the local people. Some colonial agents like Maou, Fintan and Geoffrey adopt the local culture renouncing their colonial culture. They learn pidgin language and practice. Thus, they resist the colonialism in Nigeria both politically and culturally. Tension heightens between and among the colonizers. As a result, the colonizers not only face the tough hindrances from the local people but also from the colonizers themselves.